I have to say, i'm getting excited for this new strategy, i mean a Nintendo Direct with only upcoming titles for WiiU and another one for 3DS games? or one for first part devs and another for third party devs? and of course with no sales numbers and no other kind of BS? sign me in.
Deus Ex Human Revolution was as complex as any Spliter Cell that i have played (granted not all of them, i think i didn't play the first 2) but it still sold pretty well.
@rasputin177 I think he can kill you if he get's too close to you, at least that's what the last game was about, he appeared out of nowhere and if you don't run in the right direction then the game is over, i'm all for atmosphere too but i'm somehow agree with you, it does seem kind of pointless even if the game turns out to be pretty effective.
As awesome as this games were back in the day, the fact is that they have aged pretty bad, there is no point in owning this games over Persona 4 for example or even over Third Strike Online which it is a much better game. It was nice to have the brand revived even for a short period of time, but i don't see anymore Darkstalkers any time soon.
madsnakehhh's comments