Meh, all this video cards seems expensive and problematic, probably gonna get a cheap GeForce from 2009 or 2008 and still will satisfy my PC gaming needs.
As always E3 is the stage to get hyped about everything and this year is no exception for me, i cannot wait to know more about Other M and of course, The Legend of Zelda. Other games that i'm interested are KOFXIII, Lord of Shodows, StarCraft II. Also i want more info on HL3: Episode 3 and probably an announce on Kiry Wii or StarFox Wii.
Dont take this on the wrong side, but this looks like one of those horror movies when everything is good and shine, suddenly something wrong happens, either a killer o a monster shows up (PS2) and start the downhill.
Damn, i have to say that i have some of the syntoms, i get in a really bad mod if i do bad in a game and, sometimes i stay in home just to play a game (i blame you FFVIII) i dont consider myself an addict, but videogames are a big deal in my daily life, i guess i'm gonna tray harder to find a balance, because i love videogames too much to just quit, then again, i dont want to become an addict.
"OK, dude, seriously. Now it really is time to wake up" that was funny. Great plan GameSpot, too bad i dont have all the games to keep it up, anyway, i'll probably be playing until 5 pm (thats the time here in Mexico for the game) and then, pure Super Bowl, then, after celebrate the Steelers victory i'll watch RE Degeneration, i've been saving this movie for this day. BTW, the Super Bowl is a bid deal here in Mexico too, not as big as in USA of course, but trust me, it is big.
The Anya Stroud comparition is the only clear winning of GEOW2 over GEOW, because all the others just show that GEOW2 has more light, but not better graphics overall.
This is a great Anime one of my all time favorites, why? simple, original (even someone say that is similar to DBZ) great story (very dramatic, funny and with a lot of feeling) and good supportive characters. BTW the Naruto vs Sasuke is one hell of a battle. The games are OK, if you are a fan a have a lot of friends, well, the clash of ninja 2 and soon clash of ninja revolution, is the best choice.
madsnakehhh's comments