I really hope the most mainstream game doesn't take the award just because, well its named Tekken i mean Persona 4 and even Skullgirls deserve it much more.
Not a fan of all the issues listed here...so far the WiiU doesn't seem to be very good, but i'm optimistic with the Software that will come in the next years, specially Bayonetta 2 and of course the good old Nintendo classics, i might wait for a revision (if there is one) but if the library get's good next year then i'm definitely going to get one.
@Lockjaw2000 He says that ZombieU is trapped on the wrong genre meaning that it should have never tried to be a Survival Horror game, instead it should have been a more traditional Action game, maybe something more a la Left 4 Dead.
Once again another disappointing Mickey game...sigh, i had hopes for this one after the mediocre first part, but again, they failed to deliever, they should just make a 2D game, those leves looks kind of fun for a change.
As a long term wrestling fan, i have to say this game is pretty cool and by far the best wrestling game since the amazing Here Comes the Pain on the PS2, this game just have too many content and the Attitude Era is pretty fun and full of nostalgia, honestly this is the wrestling game i've been wating for a long, long time, it has issues, sure, but with friends it's damn fun and, sadly the WWE Universe mode kind of sucks.
This is so sad, SlayerS was the team SC2 needed, a legend, a superstar, a bunch of good players, the idea of a family instead of a professional team, too bad it had to end like this, if i had to blame anyone i wouldn't say it was Jessica's fault, at least not entirely, in the end i think it was MMA (kid has too much ego), KeSPA (you are not with us, you are against us) and Jessica's lack of experience for managment, not to mention Boxer couldn't take sides between his wife and his team. I hope this was a leasson learned for all parties and i hope the scene doesn't fall because of this.
@expeditopaz2008 Aside from the fact that both series are from the same creator, they have no relation whatsoever, however the ZoE games are a must own for every action fan.
As ridiculous as it sounds...i'm not entirely disagree with this...i mean is not that i want incredible big boobs on any video game, is just that...well, its kind of the doa charm by now.
madsnakehhh's comments