That doesn't sound bad, in fact Square should just label this as FFXIII Versus since let's be real, that game will never come out, still XIII was decent and while i haven't played XIII-2 i think this doesn't sound too bad.
No offense to anyone...but if you were here to watch Mortal Kombat or SoulCalibur V, you are doing it wrong, KOFXIII is THE game to follow, 1st day was amazing, Mexico having such a strong presence here, my bet is on Bala, he is probably the best player in the entire world right now.
1st day and it was freaking amazing, so many players out and yet, top 8 is looking sick, Dieminion might even be top 3, now that would be sick as hell, however i have the feeling Daigo might regain his championship.
I liked LoS, even if it plays a lot like GOW, however i thought that game had a pretty epic scale, i can't wait to see the new games, probably going to get both since i'm a huge Castlevania fan.
Yes, God forbid they have their own opinions, Carolyn Michelle said that she enjoys the game with her friends,,,OMG, i wonder how much she got paid to say that., because that's not totally how the game works right?...not to mention, some of the guys actually critiziced the game for not being as good as they though, please, take out your conspirancy glasses ok.
madsnakehhh's comments