@Dragdar Its an Anniversary Set, owning the first Street Fighter would be great, yes the game sucked hard, but it was the one that started all and BTW, i would gladly spend a good amount of money for a proper Anniversary Set, real fans will pay if the content is worth it which sadly in this occacion, is not.
This article made me rage, there is so much truth in here that you can't avoid to feel abused by Capcom, this "Collection" is pathethic and an insult to those who grew with this franchise, i became a figthing lover by the age of 6 with Street Fighter 2, even if nowadays Street Fighter is not my favorite figthing franchise i would be lying if i didn't say that i would love to see Street Fighter 2 (even if i already own it on the Virtual Console), Street Fighter Alpha and yes, even Puzzle Fighter (hands down one of the greatest puzzles ever made), etc in one package, just like the article says, i would gladly pay a good amount of money for a proper Street Fighter Anniversary Set.
I've been a huge fighter fan all my life and this gen has been both a dream come true and a nightmare, and this game represents almost every aspect of that nightmare, the game is not that fun to play once you realice is all about poking, its boring as hell to watch (Spooky Team's ratings hit the floor when they stream this game), the DLC stuff is getting worse and worse with the hidden characters on the disk bottom line is not a very good game, however it saddens me that this game has a spot at this year EVO instead of games like Blazblue or even Skullgirls, i really hope Capcom cut the rope with this game...oh well, back to KOF XIII, now that's a hell of a game with tons of content, balanced, fun to play and fun to watch.
Meh, i dislike the series because it doesn't appeal to me, i couldn't care less about Bioware and their games...however is sad to see games being hated for having the option to make a character gay hell, is not even about that, is about freedom, people complain that games don't give you freedom and when they do, we still complain.
@BonEcho Not likely, at any given time they could recive orders to take out most of the videos in the site, no more video reviews with game footage, no more user videos, no more previews nor pics from upcoming games, no more Playtroughs...hell, no more tournaments like that Mario Kart Tournament we got a few weeks ago, in other words, no more content in the site.
In other words..."we know there are hackers and compromised data in Live, but we are making money anyway, so we ain't doing anything for you, sorry" That's why i NEVER put my credit car info, prepaid cards may be a pain to get in some places, sadly that is the safer way to get online content in the PSN and Live.
madsnakehhh's comments