If you've ever thought that 8 cases of beer would be enough for 4 people then you would be definitely WRONG!!!!!
We had that much to drink, but we couldn't keep it cold, the problem is not the beer, it's the ice. Shade is at a premium, bring tarps, shelters, tents, covers, or whatever you can to create some shade because you will be exposed to the sun as I will show you when I post a new pic of me on the boards sporting my new, fresh, just paid for sunburn!!!!
Don't get me wrong, you will have a great time, but it is just that you need endurance, food, alcohol, and sleep......just about in that order. :D
Hey, I loved it and I will go again, definitely on my own terms. We shared a campsite with our cousins. Probably won't do that again, but it was nice sharing time with our family. Only spent $20 on firewood we didn't need since they had a propane stove they didn't tell us about and not to mention it was 85 degrees at about 9 o'clock in the morning :P
The best part of this is meeting new people in your world, like here on GS. We met about 35 really cool people as soon as we drove up to the campsite. Of course, the first they wanted to do was put a beer in our hand, and who were we to stop them??? :P
I think some day it would be a really cool thing to have registered Gamespot users, and us little "regulars" invited to a NASCAR race so we could all get together and watch a race.
What could be better (besides participating) than watching 43 different individual teams go at it for ultimate victory in a "mulitplayer event"??!!
I think it would be killer. And if we had couples coming, then we could have two guests per couple, and if not, at least one guest per individual.
What's say you guys??????? Ya think Gamespot makes enough money from your subscribtions for you to come see a real live NASCAR race??
Once you get to the track, if you love speed, if you love driving fast, then I KNOW you'll love it!!!!!!
TALK TO ME!!!!!!!!
Hittin' the sack now. Night all.
PS: Probably the longest blog, rant, or email I've written in like 4 months. :D
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