majadamus Blog
Gaming Checkup
by majadamus on Comments
Well, in order to keep this blog more active, I've decided to keep a gaming update. Since I change my choice of video games every week on Wednesday, which I'll be doing in two days from now, I will keep an update on my reaction of my week long gaming sessions. Here's my first weekly update:
Grand Theft Auto IV is a game I have been expecting to play for quite some time. I've held out on buying the video game for a few months due to lack of funds and interest. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the Grand Theft Auto series, but it isn't a game I'm enthralled to play. All I really hoped to enjoy, mostly, was the soundtrack. For the most part, it doesn't disappoint neither does it surprise in terms of quality. The storyline is okay, although I've only put about 5 hours into the video game.
Ninja Gaiden II has been somewhat of a disappointment so far... I'm still trying to complete chapter 5 at the moment. I wasn't expecting it to be so tough. Maybe I shouldn't have set the difficulty setting on Warrior. It's a lot tougher than I had expected. My overconfidence has really set me up for a lot of frustration in the last 4 chapters of Ninja Gaiden II. However, the werewolf looking creatures are surprisingly easier than I thought they would be. They're big and intimidating, their attacks are extremely powerful, but very easy to dodge and avoid even with the lunar staff which is my weapon of choice. I will continue playing Ninja Gaiden II until Wednesday when I am able to choose different video games.
I've also gone back to playing Devil May Cry 4, and I'm enjoying the harder difficulty setting, "Sons of Sparda". There are expectingly more chimerans, more plants like baddies, and more deadly demons which made it all the more fun that the easier difficulty setting. Although at times the gameplay can be frustrating, I never give up since the challenge and the test of my endurance keeps bringing me back into the game taking place in the universe of Devil May Cry 4.
Sudden Realization
by majadamus on Comments
Been doing some harder thinking, and I realized that I'm an introvert. I don't like talking to people. I stay in the house most of the time, and I pretend to like talking, but I really don't. I-N-T-R-O-V-E-R-T. Introvert!! Deep down inside I always knew I was, just didn't really want to say ;)
I'll see you guys around.
New Criteria..for playing video games.
by majadamus on Comments
Well..I have a lot of time on my hands since it is now summertime, and I'm in the midst of looking for a new job. The current job that I now have is something that I tend to enjoy working at, but I'm not getting the amount of hours that I want anymore. Here's my old criteria for playing video games:
- There must be six games
- One game must be easy
- Another must be an RPG (Usually medium difficulty)
- One game must be difficult
- One game must be a fighter
- Out of all the games I'm playing, one of them has to be extremely violent and bloody and another must be very cutesy and kiddy like
- One game must be a handheld
- And one game must be an old school game (A game before last gen) to appreciate the matter how outdated it seems
- Must play the video games for at least one week.
The # of video games I had chosen to play was 6, but the number I will play for now on are:
a week.
Will I have time for all of these video games once I attain a new job? Hopefully I will. As of right now I'm thinking it is a bit too much. I will try out this new rule for a week and see how it works out.
I haven't been posting as much because I've been enjoying a lot of new video games like Metal Gear Solid 4 and The Orange Box. They are highly enjoyable. I will post more often, but for now back to enjoying the rest of the day.
....Ninja Gaiden 2...:(
by majadamus on Comments
Ninja Gaiden 2 has been somewhat of a letdown so far…maybe it's because I'm having such a hard time beating Chapter 3. The boss on the 3rd chapter SPOILER: is a silver monster type thing. It electrocutes everything in the sewers, and smashes Ryu Hyabusa across the walls and rubs him fiercely against it when caught off guard. I've tried beating boss several times. I can't believe I'm still stuck on this chapter. I will eventually beat this stage, and hopefully the entire game of Ninja Gaiden 2. I just need a break for a while, and I'll get back to playing again some time probably next week. I was incredibly frustrated. As of right now, I'm going to start playing Metal Gear Solid 4, and get back into the habit of playing better…and better…and better. :D See you guys around.
Majadamus's Dream.
by majadamus on Comments
It's quite obvious that I am a huge Nintendo fan..maybe even on the borderline of being a fanboy. A lot of posters call me that on System Wars. But, my real dream is for the sheep to win the Sysem Wars of this gaming generation....which I believe is the 7th generation of gaming. That is my true dream for System Wars. They will win the 7th generation, and hopefully they will continue on the legacy of Nintendo.
Oh, for those who've been wondering why I haven't been posting as much as I use too. Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about any of you...I'm just focusing on what video games I should play sound ridiculous to some, but it isn't for me. Talk to you guys later. ;)
...and Street Fighter IV still looks like crap. :(
by majadamus on Comments
![Street Fighter IV logo](
My hopes are being letdown after seeing the latest Street Fighter IV trailer. I thought the look of the game would've improved greatly by now, but it doesn't seem it's going to get any better. Not only does the look disappoint, also does the roster. It's basically Street Fighter II's roster /w only four new characters added. I'm hearing the game plays like the cl-assic 2D s-tyle of the ol' Street Fighters, and it seems that way judging by some of the video clips I've seen. The art design of Street Fighter IV reminds me of a common western comic book s-tyle seen today. I guess this will be attracting those Street Fighter players that left the series after the second installment. Because Street Fighter III wasn't very popular. Street Fighter IV seems like it'll garner a lot more attention then its predecessor.
Itagaki is just freakin nutz.
by majadamus on Comments
Tomonbou Itagaki is just out there. He's like the craziest developer you'll ever hear about. If you've seen any of the interviews you'll notice he'll sometimes carry a katana around with him. Everytime I look at one of his pictures I laugh. I swear, this man probably thinks he's a ninja...or a samurai. Not only that he's one of the cockiest bastards on the planet. Just look at him..he thinks he's a star. And what's with the shades? Your not cool Itagaki, you're just a wacko!..oops, maybe I probably shouldn't have said that...hope word doesn't get around about what I said. I hope he doesn't bust through my window like a mad ninja and explodes kamikaze styl-e. That would be a horrible mess to clean up.
Wii Fit ain't for me.
by majadamus on Comments's been one of those days when you don't feel like doing a thing. I drove around to some stores, took care of some errands, and have been soaking in some of the information across cybersapce as I've been browsing through on this lazy day. I seem to be unaware of this Wii Fit craze. I don't know why, maybe it's just that I've already been working out on a regular basis, and it doesn't appeal to me. Another thing that I don't quite understand is why some people beleive video games will lead to violent and overly aggressive behavior. That isn't the case for me. I get done playing a game of Ninja Gaiden Sigma (II hopefully soon), but do I really want to go outside, start flipping on top of houses with a katana, and slicing peoples' heads off? No! Working out at the gym at least three times a week is good enough for me.
The Wii has inspired me to push myself further at the gym, when lifting weights at least... I remember the earlier days getting my Nintendo Wii playing this really hard game called "SSX Blur". After a gaming session I noticed my arms were sore, so I thought I'd increase the lbs. on my weights. Álso when playing fighters I noticed something else too; I tend to lean forward when I'm playing, so my back was starting to ache. Therefore I decided to find a way to work on my back muscles so I'll be able to keep my back straight while playing video games. I'm more prepared for gaming binges more than ever now. All I need to work on is not ruining my vision. Sometimes I swear I see lightning flashing before my eyes, or a freaking meteor flying by my face when my eyeballs get sore. Eye drops are a hardcore gamers best friend. ;)
Is it me, or does Ryu Hayabusa carry around too many weapons for a ninja. Maybe he is fiendieshly possesed, but it still looks very odd for a ninja to be carrying around so many weapons. I have fallen in love with some of the video clips of this game, and I can't wait till it comes out! ^^
Eternity's Child / Setting A Record?
by majadamus on Comments
It's been a while since I last blogged. It was a busy week, a tiring week, and now it's finally over. I didn't have much time for gaming as I wanted, but now I'm back in game mode. I was sitting down eating breakfast while reading a magazine, and I happen to skim onto this strange looking video game called...
Eternity's Child
I didn't read much of the details. All I know is that it's a Wii Ware game about to be released some time in the future. What I like most about the game is the look. It has a unique design that I haven't seen anywhere before. It has a paper cut out look to it, and appears to be oriented towards the much younger gamers . When I first looked at the images I thought "storybook". After seeing this my interests have been directed towards other Wii Ware titles. Due to the lack of space for my Wii, I haven't downloaded any Wii Ware games. In the future I might do so.
Setting A Record?
Well, sort of... I am coming close to setting a personal record for 2008. It's been almost a month since I purchased any video games. That may not be a feat for many, but that is quite a huge accomplishment for me. Usually I buy up to 2-3 video games a month. I direct most of my attention to inexpensive games. Like the ones I've missed out on from last gen, handheld games, or some really old school ones. Current gen video games for consoles are really expensive nowadays. I try not to buy these too often. But, as of next month more likely than not I'll be spending close to $100 on them again when Metal Gear Solid 4 and Ninja Gaiden 2 are released. After those two games, the summer drought for video game releases will be upon us. What shall I ever do? :(
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