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Word of the Week #2-2: A-E

No big long-winded ramble this week, just a quick explanation. In this week's episode, I'll be showing you some of the most interesting, amusing or just outright strange words that start with the first five letters of the alphabet.

Words of the Week:

alectryomancy- A form of divination whereby a bird, usually a black hen or a white gamecock, is allowed to pick grains of corn from a circle of letters, thus forming words.

bodhisattva- An enlightened being who delays entry into nirvana to help others to attain enlightenment. (from Buddhism)

cataplexy- A state of complete motionlessness, faking death.

dishabille- The state of being carelessly or partially dressed.

ectoplasm- An immaterial or ethereal substance associated with spirit manifestations, the substance which ghosts or spirits are made of.

Quote of the Week: "I wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?"- Jerry Seinfeld

Man of the Week: Fusajiro Yamauchi- founder of Nintendo. Without him, we would never have had the NES, SNES, N64, GameCube and Wii, and the video game industry wouldn't be what it is today, so let's all take a moment to appreciate the man behind the phenomenon.

Thanks to- Macquarie Dictionary;; Wikipedia; and for providing some of the information used.

Well, that's all for this week, next week will be letters F-I, so if you have any suggestions, I would really appreciate it, especially considering how long this week's episode took me.

I'll be back at school tomorrow after the weekend, so expect to see less of me, and i will probably reach Level 20 tomorrow, since I'm level 19 right now with 99.88%.

See you guys later, and keep grinnin'. :D

EDIT: I have officially reached level 20!! now I just have to wait a couple more months to level up again!

Word of the Week # 2-1: HUGE Series Return

Well, here we are at the beginning of the new series, and it is going to be HUGE. That's right , huge, which coincidentally, is also the theme of this episode. Now, I have made big plans for this series - like the last series, it will also feature ten regular episodes, but I am going to include two video episodes as well, that's twelve whole episodes, and possibly a couple of specials as well. Now, this season, instead of three words each week, I am going to feature four, as well as the usual Quote and Man of the Week. After this first episode, for the next 6 episodes, I am going to showcase my favourite words for each letter of the alphabet, with the first and last of the six episodes featuring five words, just so it all fits in. Well, after that ridiculously long ramble, here it is - Word of the Week Series 2:

Words of the Week:

Gargantuan- huge or bulky, originally derived from the name of the giant Gargantua.

Elephantine- extremely large, as big as an elephant.

Brobdingnagian- of huge size, derived from Brobdingnag, a country in "Gulliver's Travels", where everything was enormous.

Leviathan- anything of immense size or power.

Quote of the Week: "I think people tend to forget that trees are living creatures. They're sort of like dogs. Huge, quiet, motionless dogs, with bark instead of fur." - Jack Handy

Man of the Week: King Kong- Well, to fit in with the theme of the wekk, I couldn't really think of anyone else who was really big. But apart from that, it was a great film, both the original and the remake, especially the remake, that's given me some of my favourite movie moments of all time, and the effects - both visual and audio - are amazing, and so is the sound track, so if you haven't seen it, do.

Well, that changed from Man of the Week to a shameless ad for King Kong, but anyway, that's what I'm all about, being shameless. That's it for this week, any feedback would be much appreciated, and if you have any suggestions as to what I should put in an episode, contact me, either through comment or PM.

On an unrelated note, could people stop sending me union invites, if I haven't joined by now, I'm most likely not going to.

Well, school starts tomorrow, so I won't be on as much during the week, so see you next time everyone, and keep grinnin'. :D

My Holiday- A Summary

Well, like most people, I'm going back to school *sigh*. As of next week, I will be a bit less active but I will still try to get on GS every day if possible. This is just to tell you guys how I spent my holidays, if you're interested.

On Gamespot, I started the holidays on Level 12, but I've made my way up to Level 19, which I reached recently. The holidays also saw me reach the milestone of 100 friends, as well as becoming an officer in several unions- The Video Gamers Union, The Rayman Mario Dragonball Union (now the Rayman Mario Dragonball Sonic Union), Empty and Full Union, and the Action Adventure Union which was formed today. I featured 5 episodes of Word of the Week, and brought the series to a close, to be followed by Series 2, which kicks off next week.

Outside of Gamespot, not a lot happened. Christmas was good, our friends from interstate came to stay for five days, and I got a new phone, among other things (books, shirts, CD's, etc.). New Year's Eve was possibly the most boring I have ever experienced, my family all went to bed at 9:30, so I sat on GS until the clock struck 12 and partied here instead.

In the gaming side of life, not a lot has been going on, I didn't get a single new game, and I still don't havve a PS3, a Wii, or a 360. One good thing, I remembered I have Counter-Strike, which I hadn't played since I bought it, because it didn't work on my old PC, but now I play it pretty often.

I saw a few movies, both at the cinema and at home, and enjoyed most of them. At the movies, I saw: Beowulf- quite a good film, making up for it's lack of good plot twists with great action sequences, and getting to see Angelina Jolie wearing nothing but what looks like molten gold; I Am Legend, an awesome movie, although the ending was somewhat of a disappointment; and 1408, a great Steven King thriller, but again, the ending was a total let-down, it just rambled off into weirdness. Movies that I rented out included Hot Fuzz, absolutely brilliant, in a class of it's own, along with Shaun of the Dead; I also saw Black Sheep, the New Zealand-made horror-comedy, which was also hilarious, they had just the right level of ridiculousness, not quite enough to make it seem stupid, but enough to be an absolute riot. If there were any others, then I've forgotten them.

In the music scene, I didn't pick up any CD's worth mentioning, but I did go to a great music festival featuring Birds of Tokyo, Kisschasey, You Am I, Hilltop Hoods, and a bunch of great local bands. I also listened to a lot of The Offspring, as well as the usual Rage Against the Machine, POD, Muse, some Linkin Park and AntiFlag.

I went to the beach a lot, and went out in my boat to go swimming, up until this week, when my dad went away on a fishing trip. I went to Adventure World, a water park relatively close to where I live, and went on the new waterslide, the Shotgun, which was awesome.

Anyway, that's it, school on Monday is going to be a bummer, no more sleeping in 'till 10. So see you round guys, and remember, any suggestions for Word of the Week would be much appreciated, it's probably coming on Sunday, so if you want to see your own contribution in there, contact me before then.

Bye for now, and keep grinnin' :D.

Boringness + Level 18- Flicky

Well, the last few days have been annoying and hectic, but now it's settled down back into boringness.

On wednesday, i was away, and couldn't get online, thursday i went to a mate's place, and when i tried to get on when i got home, i discovered my laptop had screwed itself over (again). So, i couldn't get online that day or the next, but yesterday i got onto our PC and was online for a few brief hours. I spent last night reinstalling windows, this is the third time it's crashed on my laptop, i think there might be hardware issues. But anyway, i lost all my files and had to reiinstall everything (still not finished).

When i got on today, i discovered the level 00 glitch, which seemed to affect everyone, but after a few minutes of being online, it was fixed, and i was level 18 with 30 something percent, which is odd, because yesterday i was level 17 with 97% or something like that. But anyway, who am i to complain, except that it brings me closer to the dreaded level 20.

My dad left on a fishing trip today, even though he's meant to be back at work this week, and i don't think i'm meant to be on the internet while he's away, but i still will be :P. And of course, how could i forget that i have to go back to school next week. :(

Well, that's it for now, please contribute to WotW readers choice, since i'm not having an episode this week, the series return will be next week, and the second episode may be a video episode. So, i'll see you guys later. :D

EDIT: WTF!!! earlier todsy i was level 18 with 30%, now i have 81%!! WTF!!


Hey guys, just a message telling you that tomorrow i will probably not be online at all, because i am going to adventure world (a theme park) and on saturday i might not be on as much because it's australia day. But the worst news of all, i will probably not be able to get online at all next week, it sucks! And then the week after that (i think) i have to go back to school, so i will not be as active as i have been. :(

Anyway, on a slightly lighter note, i will try to get my vidblog up before the weekend, and also try and finish any gesign projects i'm working on. Also, i've nearly reached level 18 (should be there in a few days). But the best news of all, last night i got to 1000 posts!!! YAY!! I was not going to make too big a deal of it, since it's only 1k, it's not 10k or anything big like that, but feel free to party if you want to.

That's it for now, and don't forget to check out my previous blog post. :D

Word of the Week Reader's Choice Submissions

Alright, as I said last week, I'm taking a break between the first and second seasons, so no episode this week, and maybe not next week either. But anyway, this is your chance to get involved in WotW.

I want you, my good readers, to tell me what words you would like to see in WotW. So if you have a word you think deserves the title, then comment or PM me. Don't bother giving the meaning, as I'm sure I can figure that out myself, and of course, if I can't, I'll PM you. As well as words, you can submit a quote, but remember to give me the full quote, who said it, and - if applicable - what TV show/movie/book you got it from.

Okay, that's it from me, see you next time. :D

A mysterious blog post ?????

haha, there's no mystery really, just another ultra quick post from me to say that i now have 100 friends! :D yay!

actually it's quite strange because i had 99 friends, and i just came back on to find i had 100 friends, even though i didn't get a message saying, "x user is now your friend."

anyways, that's it for now. :D

well i just got my account going at, and i already have a few a few emblems, they are so much easier to get than at gamespot.

Word of the Week Episode # 10- Season Finale + WeGame

Alright, after last week i got some good feedback from a few people, so i thank you, and after a lot of thought, i have decided to keep the show going, but i might take a break for a week before starting season 2 (i figured 10 episodes= a season, like on TV). So this week will be the final episode of this season, and aftter season 2... i don't know what i'll do, we'll have to wait and see. But anyway, the next season will have many new features and suprises, such as guest stars, and a possible video episode. Anyway, on with the show.

Words of the Week:

callipygian- having shapely buttocks

puwo- an animal that is a cross-breeding of a poodle and a wolf.

pica- the desire to eat non-foods (things like dirt, or rocks)

Quote of the Week: "Chuck Norris is ten feet tall, weighs two-tons, breathes fire, and could eat a hammer and take a shotgun blast standing." -

Man of the Week: Ian Irvine- this guy is one of my favourite authors, his three worlds novels are awesome, i have read all of them and i am currently waiting for the final book in the Song of the Tears trilogyto be released. If you haven't heard of him, check out his stuff, mainly The View From The Mirror quartet, The Well Of Echoes quartet, and The Song of The Tears trilogy.

Well that's it for this week, man did the week go quickly. I still have 3 weeks of holidays left, my sypathies go out to thse who are already back at school. And on a slightly unrelated note, check check out WeGame, it's like a YouTube for gamers, and you can download their free program to record your own gaming experiences - it's great, so check it out. Here's the link:

See you later everyone, and please comment.

Word of the Week Episode #9: Breaking Point

Alright, before i start this week's episode, a quick note. The fate of WotW hangs in the balance. I am considering ending it and never doing an episode ever again. The reason behind this is that it seems like noone actually reads it, for example, the christmas special didn't get a single comment. So unless i get some feedback from people, telling me that you want it to keep going, i am going to end the series.If it comes to that, iwill not end it until after next week's episode, just so i get to 10 episodes. So if you care about word of the week, and want it to continue, please comment. Not very quick, i must admit, but anyway.

Now, on with the show.

Words of the Week:

lecanoscopy- the act of hypnotising yourself by staring at a sink full of water.

izzard- the actual name for the letter 'Z'

ucalegon- a neighbour whose house is on fire

Quote of the Week: "You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone" - Al Capone

Man of the Week: Samwise Gamgee- Yes, I am talking about the character from Lord of the Rings. But seriously, Frodo got all the credit even though he was a little pansy, while Sam did all the work. Like when Frodo sides with Gollem, and tells Sam to go home, does he give up, no! He just keeps going, and eventually rescues Frodo's sorry ass from being eaten by a spider. And when they arrive at Mount Doom, Frodo is too pathetic to climb up, so Sam carries him. Samwise Gamgee is the most dedicated, loyal, and determined charater ever.

Now, this week, rather than thinking up the words myself, and painstakingly searching the internet for a good quote, i got all my words and the quote from the same source, and i would like to acknowledge it. They were all taken from 'Uncle John's Giant Australian Bathroom Reader' from the Bathroom Reader's Institute.

That's it for now, don't forget to comment. Thanks for reading and goodbye.