@crunchdogs: Oh so a poll decided it? Of fucking course it did.... FF7 is a cancer in the gaming community so it's no surprise the fanfarts voted for his overrated ass.
As for whether or not it matters if they're not from Nintendo consoles - I think it does, yes. It kills the whole spirit of Smash.
Let me be very clear. Super Smash Bros is about NINTENDO characters duking it out. Was Cloud's game on a Nintendo console? No. They just added him because fantards have a hard on for FF7.
I hate that overrated crap. And I hate Nintendo for adding him to the roster.
Okay this pisses me the **** off. I don't care how many people have hard-ons for arguably the most overrated game ever made - but now FF7 is invading SMASH? I'm sorry, but isn't the whole point of Smash Bros having a bunch of NINTENDO mascots duking it out? I'm not sure I recall Cloud ever being a Nintendo character, or even featured in a nintendo game for that matter.
@blutiger_engel: Come on though, you know he'd be perfect. Banks' deadpan stare is exactly like how Bonhart's is described in the books he's the right age and he's a top notch actor. Mike Ermantraut's demeanour isn't far off from how Leo seemed in the books. Plus seeing him in a fantasy setting would be very interesting.. I think all Banks would have to do is lose some weight. Making him tall would be easy
This pisses me the **** off. All I want - let me be clear, ALL I want is a live action adaption of the Witcher saga with Jonathan Banks playing Leo Bonhart. Is that too much to ask? To see these books come to life on the big screen with AAA production values?
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