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PC FPS vs Console FPS

I recently picked up CoD 4 for the Xbox 360 and I have to say it takes some getting used to when you have been playing CoD 4 on the PC. The controls feel more loose as if I can't be as accurate as I want to be compared to the PC version. With a mouse you can be way more accurate then a console any day. I even mentioned a possibility of a PC vs Console FPS challenge, but I was told that it would be a massacre by the PC Clan. That is true, but I remember when I was really good at FPS on the console and I think I would have given PC users a run for their money, but now that I am proficient in the art of FPS on the PC I believe that massacre would be in effect. What do you all think about console FPS vs PC FPS? Let Me Know!

Call of Duty 4 Killhouse

After a day had passed I was eager to get back to playing CoD4 again. With the new maps coming out yesterday gave me a legitimate reason to try them out. I mentioned yesterday that Killhouse was one of the leading favorites.

Well it still is. Playing today, with an even amount of players on both sides, I quickly found myself loving the map even more. The action is better spread out then the Shipment map, because you can use an array of guns instead of your usual sub machine guns or shotgun in Shipment. I mentioned that I preferred to use the M249 S.A.W in Killhouse, which don't get me wrong it's a great gun,

but the RPD had better accuracy, and I killed a lot more people in a short amount of time. One of the best things about this map is your cover through out the whole map. There's plenty of walls and crates to get behind, yet most of your cover will eventually kill you if your spot early or you come across crossfire. I learned that the hard way! The weakness in cover makes you move around the map even quicker thus giving you a lot of surprise attacks, which will lead in a lot of kills or deaths on your part.

Now if your looking to snipe there are spots on the ground floor where you can shoot to kill, but usually you will be killed before you get your first shot off. There's a tower in the middle of the map where you can climb, but every time someone tried to climb they became an easy kill. One person did make it to the top, but like I said before your cover in this map is structurally weak, so he died within seconds. The best place are two small huts that have roof access via stairs. But you'll have to be quick with your sniper rifle, and you better have the


unlocked so that you won't get killed due to your slow recoil and reload rate. Since I like to snipe I am eager to wrap my head around Creek when I get the chance. Plus I need to unlock the M21, because I only have the Dragunov SVD, and that's not getting it done. Until next time check out the downloads page for the Call of Duty 4 v1.6 patch that will give you this map and three others.

New Call of Duty 4 PC Multiplayer Maps

The day is finally here. The new Call of Duty 4 maps have come out. Now I only got to dabble a bit with the maps, but so far Creek is a sniper's paradise, and Killhouse is a M249 S.A.W Gunners dream. I thought this map will be close quarters so I'll use the shotgun, but instead I decided to use the M249 S.A.W. or as I like to call it, "The Boss." I reced shop all over the place killing multiple people with one huge 200 bullet clip. I'm going to try some other guns, but for now The Boss and Killhouse equal crazy delicious. Chinatown and Broadcast I haven't got to play much, but I'm not a fan of the both of them for right now. They might grow on me as the week progresses, but I'll keep you updated if anything changes. Remember check the downloads page for the latest patch and all your patch and download needs!

Crysis D-Day

So I was sent on another mission in the future. Some crazy bones decide to alter time and reality, so that D-Day 1942 happens in 2042 not 1942. Ahhh another headache. Any-who, they decided to equip me with plenty of weapons and a truck. I'm not sure why they wanted me to jump off a plane with a truck, but they included a truck. And if your wondering who is "They" well after my crappy crysis vacation I left the company I was working for, because the benefits sucked and started doing independent contracting. The hours are great and I can sleep in whenever I want to. THEY is a group called The Haymakers Evolution Yawning Group. Weird I know, but they pay well.

The battle was pretty rough from the up in the sky, but someone had to stop the fighting, and who better to finish the war then your own NOMAD! Jumping off planes is always fun, but when you don't have a parachute it does hurt when I fall into the water. Luckily I hacked my suit to take hard impacts. When I got on the ground I knew I needed to end the war quickly so I launched a couple of TAC Nukes in the air to quiet things a bit, and then moved to high ground to scope out my next TAC launch.

The hike up the mountain was rough but I knew I could make it up. I got a pass at 24hr Fitness a couple months ago and was able to train for a situation just like the mountain hike. When I got to the top I could see everything. The sky was littered with planes frozen in time and planes that were flying, but not dropping any help for me, which I didn't understand. After taking a couple seconds to myself I decided that this world needed to be cleansed. I shot a couple of TAC's in the air and watched everyone burn. Yes, I know it was cruel, but at least the bodies of the NK were made nice colors when they burned up.

Another mission in the bag!

Turtles of Command and Conquer 3

When I skirmish battle in Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Turtle Tactics is the way to go. Now if your asking yourself what is Turtle Tactics? I can explain a bit about what I mean.

Turtle Tactics refers to a style of gameplay where you build up your base with heavy defense as well as preparing a heavy offense. You wait till your base is well defended until you strike at your opponent. First I like to start off with building a Crane right off the bat. This gives me the ability to double my production thus giving me an upper hand against someone that likes to rush an opponent during a skirmish battle.

From there I will build a Warfactory, so that I can produce multiple Rig Units. Rig Units allow me to protect my base quickly and effectively with the provided double cannons on top of a stealth detector and repair drones. The enemy will usually attack these battle bases without attacking any nearby Tanks or Pitbulls allowing those units to flank your enemy quickly and effectively.

After I have built a Tech Center I build two Sonic Emitters and place them side by side making the emitter twice as powers eliminating enemies with one hit instead of multiple hits. With this combination I am able to effectively protect my base without any enemy interference, and build an army strong enough to strike once and end the war.

Race for the Sarju Cup

Hello Everyone,

I am your MAMissioner for Kart Kall: Race for the Cup Series. Below you will find the MAMetrics, basically telling you everything you need to know about the Cup Series. The first cup will be called the Sarju Cup series. After that it will be decided by the winner what the cup is called after that. If you have any questions email me and we'll deal with them together. Until then this is your MAMissioner signing out.

The Race for the Sarju Cup

- 30 day Cup Series.

- Out of those 30 days you tally up your 10 best place finishes and average out the score. The Racer with the lowest score wins the cup.

Point System

- 1st Place = 1 Point

- 2nd Place = 2 Points

- 3rd Place = 3 Points and so on

- What makes this race for the cup even more exciting is the fact that if you get a good enough score early on you can then Foodz everyone until the 30 days are up making the race for the cup harder.

- After Each Cup Series the Winner gets to choose the name of the next cup and keep the coveted Kart Kall Trophy.

Sign Up

- Pick a driver.

- You can only choose that driver throughout the entire race series. You can't change Drivers until the next cup series.

- Pick a Kart.

- You can only choose one Kart for that entire series. You can't change Kart's until the next cup series.

- Pick a Sponsor.

- You need a Sponsor to represent you. It can be any legit company or wacky company like Liberty City Cleaners.

Pick a Name

- Go with your usual name from Kart or a new name for the Cup Series. Keep that name until the series ends, which then you can change your name or stick with it.


So there you go. Any questions just email me and we'll fix them together. Let's Kart.

C&C 3 Tiberium Wars User Created Maps

Over my six months here at Gamespot I have put up a lot of user created maps for the game Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars. Having played most of the C&C series I can say I'm a true fan of user created maps. My first taste at user created content was for the game Red Alert 2. It was my first skirmish match online, so I didn't know too much of what to expect. I start off by building my Tesla coils and such to get my buildings ready. Then out of nowhere monkeys in parachutes start dropping all over my base. I thought, "Ahh those monkeys are so cute." Was I mistaken? Yes I was. Within a couple seconds my entire base was obliterated by these toxic monkeys. Now I couldn't find a picture to put up to show everyone, but true fans of the series know what I'm talking about. From then on I was hooked on user created content.

Recently I put a map up called, "City Blockade," on the Gamespot Downloads Page. What I liked about this map was the attention to detail within the city. The map is well laid out with plenty of buildings through out the city to garrison troops in. There are Tiberium Spikes included which makes capturing them a must. The Spikes are placed around the city in good locations so that not one team has an advantage. Each base has enough room to grow and good space for all of those turtles out there. I highly recommend this map for anyone who loves a good skirmish match.

Crysis TAC Nuke Launcher Map

Now this map should be called Crysis You Blow Up Everyone with a TAC Launcher Nuke Gun Map instead of Crysis Aliens Invade SP Map. The frame rate on this map is going to kill you and your computer, but it's worth playing for the 10, yes 10 frames per second you will get when you play this map. During some moments when you do kill off everyone the frame rate will hit 18, but then launch that TAC Nuke Gun and it will go back to 10.

This map spawns you right in front of a huge alien so you have to pick up a weapon quickly. Now before you go swooping all of the weapons you really only need one gun. The TAC Nuke is right next to a crate all by its lonesome self just begging for you to pick it up. Since I haven't finished the single player missions in Crysis I didn't know what this gun was when I first played this map. I picked up the TAC Launcher and fell instantly in love. Now for some off reason the huge aliens are not effected by the Nuke, but it's worth noting that they do look amazing in a pile of rubble.

Below are some pictures I took during my last outing. That pink dot in the middle of the picture, well that's my friend P. P and I don't like Aliens, especially ones that could stomp us with one tentacle. So sometimes P and I like to pay a visit and say, "Hi," to the Aliens very politely.

In this next picture P or as some like to call him TAC Nuke decides that he needs to get closer, because he doesn't think the alien heard him the first time. In a more firm tone P says, "Mr. Alien can you please leave my island, take your crazy technology, and go to your home planet please."

P and I had enough of the Aliens shenanigans and decide it's time to show the Aliens, and especially this jerk that didn't respond to our politeness, what were really made of. I tell P to give him a special thank you card for visiting Earth, and disrupting my beautiful vacation by bringing these NK's and Aliens to my Island.

The Alien laughs at the both of us, but then is a bit caught off guard by the nice thank you card that we gave him. It starts off with a nice pink light.

And then it ends with the rest of the very few living Aliens picking up pieces of their ignorant brother in law. P and I decided to end the card with, "Come Back Soon!"

Crysis Aliens Invade SP Map is a great map for your user map library. I recommend download it soon and wreaking havoc amongst all of the invaders of your perfect Island Oasis. Go to the Gamespot Downloads page to download the Crysis Map.

MAM - File Producer