Spot that process and google it. You'll probably have to disable that process permanently. To do so, Start/Run/ type "msconfig" and click on the Startup tab.
if you make a profile in catalyst after turning on Overdrive( make sure clock and memory settings are correct). You can then go to the file "C:\Users\Bretware\AppData\Local\ATI\ACE\Bretware. XML. the xml file will have the same name as the catalyst profile you saved. right click and hit edit.
Change the value to "manual" and Want value to "65"
Save the file then reload your profile in catalyst.
65% seemed perfect for me, 70% was loud but you may need it if your case has poor air flow.
You will may have to select the profile everytime you start the computer, but it will work until there is a fix or better info so i can figure how to change the auto target temp.
i am guessing your going to give me a 9800GTX+ vs. 4850 review. Lilgunney612
lol I guess i'm predictable on these forums.
But if you have read up on the 9800GTX+, you would know that it is only a very slight overclock. Making little different in performance.
Stock 9800GTX: 675/2200
9800GTX+: 738/2200
Not that much of an overclock compaired to the results most people were already getting with a stock 9800GTX which are close to around 800/1300.
If 4850 at stock is faster than 9800GTX+ 738/2200, I don't see how an OCed 4850 can lose against a 9800GTX 800/1300. And the fan fix does allow a high overclock for the 4850, while maintaining decent temps.
Here's a compilation of videos that show what the Radeon HD4800 series are capable of. Some videos are a little old (2 weeks)like Ruby vs Robot and the Scorpion, and many of you have already watched i'm sure.
Unknown game using the Tessellation unit, looks impressive and challenges Crysis graphics Ray Tracing video on YouTube Froblins video (3000 units on screen, see slides and screenshots) Ruby (Cinema 2.0, you can watch it in full screen) Scorpion (Cinema 2.0)
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