I could easily pirate all the currently airing shows but hulu is a million times more convenient with how I can jump on a console and watch a show, then resume it on a random computer somewhere else, then maybe finish it up the next day on a phone while waiting for an appointment. I personally like all their originals too.
My only question is if anything is going to happen to hulu if Disney does launch their own streaming service. That's a long ways off into 2019 but still curious.
Your liberal use of ad hominem attacks on other peoples intelligence is equally funny especially when compared against your post history which displays a clear lack of brain functions.
@allever: PVE is apart of the same game, it doesn't matter if you want to be ignorant and blatantly ignore it. It explains why you're a pleb that is crying over a few bucks. You can literally get 350 V-bucks a week if you do your dailies which btw you can store up to three of before the fourth day daily pops up.
I'm gonna assume you're bad at math so I'll help you with this next part. 350 over four weeks (which is a month, just in case you didn't know) equals 1,400. We have twelve months in a year so that then becomes 16,800. If you play consistently for a year once PVE goes free, you can earn more than you can get by just buying the $100 v-bucks bundle which gets you 13,500.
The next thing you're going to cry about is how you don't want to have to grind hours on end to get the free bucks. You're a pleb so I know you didn't buy the PVE and so I'll go ahead and let you in on a little secret. You can actually complete a daily in less than half an hour. Stacking up the dailies can even save you more time, you can have it so you get all 350 v-bucks by only spending a whole whopping hour the entire week in an easy mode.
So maybe go open up a dictionary because after I explained all that to you and you still think you deserve to get v-bucks for basically doing nothing then entitled is exactly what you're being. The developers don't owe you anything. You can cry over cosmetics but the entire game is fully playable to you for free. Don't like it, you can go buy PUBG for $30 and then grind out 50+ matches to get a single chest that has terrible RNG.
http://orcz.com/images/1/17/FortniteBattleRoyaleDab.jpg And I'm out.
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