Mirrors Edge 2 Will be a game full of Micro transactions, DLC, Multiplayer, and Pandering. Enjoy what you got out of the first one for as long as you can, because you know what the EA treatment means for sequels.
Would they rather people threw their games in the garbage rather then keeping them in constant circulation so that they eventually move off the shelves ?...I know that If I made a game I'd want as much profits as possible but I'd also not want to see 500 Used copies on the shelf indicating that I made a Product not many people wanted to keep. The issue isn't Used games... The issue is worthless games that aren't that good.
Daniel Bryan should be on the Cover of the game this year in my opinion, since he's the most over right now... As for the Gameplay Elements I do like that they changed the ridiculous countering bs... I hated that the reversals were never punishes or gave you the upperhand. Another thing that I hope is changed is the idiotic pinning system, If I have a guy 4 red he should not be able to kick out of a finisher ever... Matches last insanely long online because of the current pin mechanic or they go insanely short based on lag.
The line that first struck me as Narcissism was "We're probably the hardest working people in the company" while referring to her team. the way she was fire is just how it goes in the tech fields. You're highly expendable because the skills you possess can be found in a book. She did take the right step and go into business for herself though... You wont be expendable in that case.
@Scarab83 ... Why are you even commenting ?... Your comment and opinion equate to nothing simply because you admit to not liking sports in the first place.
@urbuddyhaysoos @xiaoyangguang It's hard to understand what someone hates if you don't know what they like. It is effectively harboring no solution and essentially this article is just someone screaming instead of trying to offer a point of interest.
There's Binary Domain... 2 Strong female combat personal with lots of narrative to their character, but because one of them becomes a love interest it somehow makes it sexist as well. Tomb Raider Recently came out but people forgot about that game the minute square claimed it had not generated enough profits as an AAA title.
I understand that there wasn't enough character development behind the Backstory of Tess or Ellie in game, but that was never the story they were intending to tell. The entire game was essentially a backstory to Joel's individual experiences. If anything happens with Ellie it will most likely occur in a sequel or a prequel. I believe there are comics detailing Ellie's past experiences.
I would also like to know how you feel about games like Heavy Rain and The Walking Dead.
all Nintendo needs to do is release some really tactile wiiu tablet games. A new Star Fox Game that allows you to manipulate the fleet on tablet while you control fox fighting a long with them. One of the things that makes fighter pilots so strong are Battle formations and that has been absent from Star Fox Games. Pikmin 3 is already the perfect game for the WiiU Tablet and if they could bring a couple of other RTS games to the WiiU new or old I could see many benefits to owning a WiiU. Hell they could really go all out and Remake Super Mario RPG with all the menu's on the tablet screen and an ultra graphically heavily game experience on the TV screen.
I own All three versions of this game. It's the only one worth any merit that people should actually play. Fable 2 is Trash, Fable 3 Is a Garbage Truck, And Fable The Journey is a Landfill... I don't even want to delve into that horrible 4 player game that came out. I'll be buying this HD edition only to collect it and nothing more.
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