Of course, I don't see how you can be so busy that you can't take a few minutes out to at least make a phone call.
Megane's forum posts
What do you think of them? Ever been in one?
I was in one for a while when my high school boyfriend moved back to the states, it went well for a while, but it's too hard to not just grow apart when you can't at least visit each other.
It's funny how all this talk from SJWs to include the LGBT has just created hostility towards those they want to include, now if developers don't include the LGBT, they're bigots and if they do, they're hopeless panderers.
I love Gears Ultimate, haven't played the campaign but it's just nice to play classic Gears multiplayer after Gears 3 ruined it by adding load outs with guns a baby could get kills with like the Retro Lancer and the Sawn Off and Team Deathmatch which removed immediate consequences for deaths and took away players from Execution.
I only have three problems with Ultimate Edition; only having 4 rounds for Execution, adding Team Deathmatch and looking back, the first Gears really had too many maps with Boom Shot, which is a so annoying now that you can't choose your own maps.
Gears 4 will be instantly disappointing for me if they add load outs again, leave all the crap they added in Gears 2 & 3 as pick ups, please.
No, the 360 had the first Gears after a year and Halo 3 in it's second year, the Xbone has been out for two years and still only has ports of Gears and Halo until October.
Eh, I still think condoms are self-explanatory, oral isn't though.
@megane: Women aren't some perfect Godly entity.
Well I am.
I'd like to visit both, I've only been to New York in the US.
I didn't know condoms were something that required practice.
Yeah, because of all the useless courses out there.
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