I read it on kotaku. It is so clearly visible that this dude has worked with pr person on this article. Also not surprised that he wasn't running the company that well if instead of keeping his mind focused he was constantly playing casual games on his phone. It just doesn't work this way. Any person needs around 30 minutes o get in to the very focused state of mind.
While I'm excited for this new Wolfenstein, which is developed by the guys who brought fenomenal Chronicles of Riddick game ( seriously it is that good. If you haven't played it it is a must! ), I think they should have include supernatural. Maybe they did? We will see.
But would like to also mention that Spectors comment was blown out of proportion! Seriously, I've been part of the discussion on fb with him and he just meant grey shooters in general. And I am tired of grey shooters too but there is always played for exceptions like this game. Agreeing on misuse of Jimi's music thought.
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