@X-7 @max-hit @saxdawg00 @highlanderjimd @wexorian Of course you can see it and even feel it! Just recently saw GC game and thought to myself 'damn this is fast' . 60fps dude, that means smoother picture and input response. Crysis and tr were dipping below acceptable framerates on consoles, chopped like pork.
@max-hit @saxdawg00 @highlanderjimd @wexorian For the price of ps4 you you will probably be able to buy pc that will run at 60fps with similar visual fidelity.
@Daian @skayj2 They will run those engines at 30fps and below, which is sub par really for anything that wants to call itself next-gen. You go back to ps2 and GC and most of games run at 60fps and man they were smooth and fast.
So while WU is getting shaft because of small userbase ( same thing was happening with ps3, even worst as they had to give away plenty of consoles with mobile contracts, refrigerators etc ), ps4 and 720, while can handle more processing, it's not enough and are outdated out of the gates too.
Dickheads are born every second, so why instead of trying to convince them to act different ( which fails most of the time anyway ) someone would make a documentary called: "Dickheads - How to not give a ****".
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