I really did like the narrative, but that gab at the religion at the end was an awfully biased Levine's opinion. In the interview with you Kevin, he said he might be not the most qualified person to talk about religion since he never experienced it. Anyway, what he did in here is example of bad story telling, where instead of inviting us to a conversation about religion by presenting a counter argument to comstack's, he gives us clear answers. Kevin and Caro I could see in your body language and your face expressions how uncomfortable you did feel talking about it. You knew it too. You might have personal opinions on Christianity too, which might be negative for obvious reasons ( as is Levine's since he's a jew and there always been a conflict between them and christianity) , but you can't deny that the way it was presented does send a clear message. Some peoples argument is that it is not a gab at religion and coming up with ideas how comstack became evil, but at no point game does tell us anything about it, so making those things up just to cover the message is purely taken out of their arses.
Also, for me it is so weird that game speaks of quantum physics yet cannot find any connection of it with religion. If you think about religion as only an organisation, then you have diluted image of it. Religion is a faithful enforcement of an idea ( that came to us from somewhere ), which becomes part of our reality by purely believing in it. And quantum physics allows for that.
@V3rciS @Kano92 @leeko_link Actually the article is not full. The guy said too that UE4 is scalable, it already runs on iphones etc, so if client wants to port it to WU, they can, but EPIC themselves are not going to do that as they themselves have no plans for releasing it to WU.
But Epic Games VP says it is not the firm's 'intention' to bring Unreal Engine 4 to Nintendo's platform.
Epic Games doesn't intend "to bring Unreal Engine 4 to Wii U," the firm's vice-president Mark Rein has stated, but the engine could run on Nintendo's upcoming console "if a customer decides they want to port an Unreal Engine 4 game" to the hardware.
"We have Unreal Engine 3 running on Wii U," Rein told VideoGamer at Develop yesterday.
"You saw games at the Nintendo press conference again this year - a fantastic demo by our friends at Warner Bros. showing Arkham City running on Wii U. And Aliens: Colonial Marines is coming on Wii U, that's also Unreal. There's, I'm sure, several others. Mass Effect was announced for it as well. So we're certainly playing a role there with Unreal Engine 3.
"I'll state that I don't think it's our intention to bring Unreal Engine 4 to Wii U, but Unreal Engine 4 is going to be supremely scalable.
"We'll run on mobile phones and on a wide variety of things, so if a customer decides they want to port an Unreal Engine 4 game to Wii U, they could. But Unreal Engine 3 is a really good fit for that platform."
Epic Games' senior PR manager Dana Cowley added that, "beyond the PC, we haven't confirmed any other platforms for Unreal Engine 4."
Confusion over Wii U's ability to render games using Unreal Engine 4 struck when GameTrailers TV host Geoff Keighley quoted Epic's Mike Capps as saying "Wii-U will be Unreal Engine 3".
Epic later clarified that it hadn't declared its strategy on Wii U.
Rein's comments yesterday, however, appear to suggest that Epic will not be directly supporting Wii U with Unreal Engine 4.
@COMMANDOBLACK @Therimight It's all probably more due to publishers nowdays. Either their stats show that majority of gamers are white males or they just afraid that those white males will not buy the game. Im white dude, but i can imagine how you feel - always bit awkward!
With gta:sa, in my eyes, the problem is that they do cutter to the "gansta" demographic from the get go, just in this instance black, but that's something that I don't accept regardless of skin.
@urmomridesmydik Nice. Also, I can't stand that woman Anita Sarkeesian and her deluded spins on facts ( in fact all of the people who think sun shines out of their arses so for them bending truth a little is all right ). Many youtubers proved her points invalid, like for example the double dragons ending etc. (EDIT@ oh, there is one underneath. )
Nature build us the way we are, but human kind constantly tries fighting with it. The real fact is that with laws of nature no one ever won or will win. So whenever i see a woman calling herself a feminist in order to prove herself that they are not worst then man, I always think "why you just want be a lady instead, and gain respect of cool man". I guess it's in our nature to always look out for an enemy and if there is none, to make one.
@chuckles471 @frozenux Man, women are implosive beings. Not many of them uses cold logic, and even those who do have implosive days. But yeah, you can't do that - take a break to play a game. They like being the most important part of your life ( sometimes too much thought )
megatronx2's comments