I'm Polish who lives abroad in UK, and here in the creative industry is so much about the money which is a bit hard to grasp for me. Reading this made me feel much better, no knowing this is Polish creative people thing to put ideas above money.
@ChunkyDrawers Jolie is too old now i think. But back in the day she looked good in that outfit :> We all remember our favorite scene from TR1 movie when she was escaping the falling cave in slow-mo ;)
@NTM23 Killzone composer is my mate. But he's not writing music for the newest one. He did tell me almost a year ago that he has not been asked to do it, because they want to take the game in the new direction. Which is a bit of a shame really. He's really nice guy.
This is a spot on example why i dislike most of Hollywood movies and block buster games - those people don't even bother to do a proper research on the subject they writing! And even thought I do like Ken Levine, he falls under my criticism even thought he did realize his mistake.
@corrus @jcnba28 @translucent17 It is next gen. Just look at its chipset architecture, which has got very fast bandwith, just the clocks are slower, and it shares most of the same shaders as ps4.
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