@The-Neon-Seal @nigelholden Nope, it's not only memory dependent. Whole system must be balanced otherwise something will get bottle-necked. For example if cpu is not strong enough in compare to amount of ram it will only use a fraction of it, and the rest will be wasted. And if those predictions are true ( those from wsj ) then my gues is ps3 will have 2 to 3 gb of ram dedicated to games ( that including vram )
If new ms console will have in did 8gb, 3 will go for system as ms systems are terribly overbearing another 2 will go towards interactive ads, so that will leave around 3gb for games. Might be similar with ps4.
@marlobc @Saidrex Pc are better then any of the consoles ;) we have tons of AAA games, tons of AA and indie games, tons of f2p games, and backlog up from 1985.
"Also, while hardware improvements were a key focus of past console upgrades, Sony is more focused this time on the changes in how users interact with the machine."
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