@SurlyPotato I always gamed on pc more then consoles, thought i had snes and n64 back in the day ( imported form Germany), but then a gap till 2006 when i got ps2. Reason was that in my country there was no mainstream console market back in the day. Also parents were buying pc's because of the educational reasons. I love pc. Now all my British mates, who used to be console players switch to pc, and love it, never want to go back, thought still play some of the console exclusives sometimes.
@sammoth @Phrosnite But both games introduced new controls schemes and lan, and later also dedicated serves. That's why they ware innovative. @wexorian Warhammer Fantasy Battles were released in 1983. Warcraft was released in 1994.
@Phrosnite Diablo and Warcraft? Maybe they weren't that much original as they were innovative. Thought Warcraft was first rts to future lan multiplayer and Diablo also was first action rpg to do that. Also they were innovative on the UI side.
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