@Ladiesman17 The only problem that witcher 2 had was that it wasn't hyped enough to sell more. But it's one of the best rpgs i have ever played. Skyrim is all right, just lacks soul... dark soul one might say ;)
So what they are doing now they look at Skyrim as CoD of RPG's they can clone and cash in on. "Open world exploration - just like Skyrim" press will write.
Also just would like to ask Aaryn Flynn if he has been living under a rock for all those years because i can't fin another explanation for him ignoring morrowind and oblivion.
@GH05T-666 @Volgin For newest components its worth investing in pc. I've build mine a year and a half ago, and it was latest gen back then, but i see it being powerful enough to work great for another several years, so almost as long as current console gen, and still be relevant. I don't think that console power matters that much as long as they will have great games on it. Also the more powerful hardware the longer the console lifespan will be, so if next gen will be very powerful, let's say only one gen behind the pc at the time, it will last for literally 10 years, and I don't think that they will want that to happen again. I believe that they will actually release something cheaper with medium speed tech ( with additions of gimmicks probably) so they can replace it within 5 years this time around to keep the thing going.
@Volgin Agreed. Thought that depends on components they would use - for example would it be old 800mhz ram or would it be latest 1666Mhz ram? Would they use amd cpu from 2 gens ago? 2 gens old gpu with several improvements adding modern shaders? etc
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