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#1 metalgrinch
Member since 2005 • 455 Posts

Honestly, who really cares at this point? Let em fix the stupid bug. If they REALLY wanted to take a stand FOR gay marriage, the gay couples thing would've been there from the start, hence a paranoid idiot can make the argument that Nintendo is automatically AGAINST gay marriage simply because gay couples weren't programmed into the game during its development. And really, what is this game and who outside of like 6 people are ever even going to play it?

People are way too paranoid about what individuals in businesses think of sociological issues that have NOTHING to do with the products or services they are producing and selling. If one lead designer or CEO of the company says they are against something, that is ONE person out of the perhaps thousands that work for the company and actually make it function, hence it's not the opinion of the entire company. I'm a Christian, and if a Sony exec came out tomorrow saying that he follows the church of Satan, I think there is a 99.9% chance that I'll still buy PS3 games and a PS4. I just think people have way too much time on their hands these days.

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#2 metalgrinch
Member since 2005 • 455 Posts

PSN games have never really interested me anyway, but i do agree it is annoying. Unless you know exactly what you're looking for, you can search, but otherwise navigating through it is just too annoying, nothing is layed out well.

I'm not surprised that Sony says it won't change. A business run by aging men - bunch of stubborn bastards if you ask me, will never admit to anything.

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#3 metalgrinch
Member since 2005 • 455 Posts

The thing is well worth $60 if you ask me. I got the Anthology when it released for $90, and am very glad I did, big collector's item now. I went through all 4 campaigns and absolutely loved it. For $14 it's like they're paying YOU to play it :P

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#4 metalgrinch
Member since 2005 • 455 Posts

I'm predicting AT LEAST $400. No way that system is going to sell for anything less than that.

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#5 metalgrinch
Member since 2005 • 455 Posts

These are not my own "type" of FPS games, I'm more into shooters like Rage and Killzone. But sometimes it's not always your fault, the in-game controls and aiming sensitivity is sometimes a real annoyance. Whenever I play Killzone 3 online multiplayer I get the sense that lots of guys are using the same tactics I am, and I'm no expert at that game. So don't beat yourself up too much

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#6 metalgrinch
Member since 2005 • 455 Posts

Get a shelf, always put back your cartidges into their original cases, keep games in alphabetical order, problem solved.

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#7 metalgrinch
Member since 2005 • 455 Posts

I'm really into Viking culture (check the History channel miniseries, it's freakin awesome!), and wanted to get that Asgard game but judging from the reviews, it looked like mostly a waste. Kinda sucks since there really is a lot of substance with that mythology and culture that could be used for a game but hasn't really been explored too much. Skyrim I have yet to play but the Viking aspect seems really cool

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#8 metalgrinch
Member since 2005 • 455 Posts

Who the hell gives a crap about Nolan Bushnell?? Gosh, have you ever seen interviews with that guy? It's more interesting to watch old paint peel.

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#9 metalgrinch
Member since 2005 • 455 Posts

I can't tell you how offended I was by the Gamespot review of this, especially after playing through the entire game (which I absoultely loved by the way). I no longer have any regard for Kevin Orvard's reviews as he blatantly says things that are completely FALSE. He shouldn't even be allowed to review games anymore on this site considering he outright lies about aspects of games in order to fulfill his own personal agenda.

I always keep talking about how ambitious this game was. That it tried to do SO MUCH that it ended up getting people sort of confused and taken aback, thus responding with negative reviews. Not really sure why people are so afraid of change, progression, and ambition, but I guess that's just how people are. I felt the weapon's system was excellent, and shooting was a BIT clunky, but it was done purposefully in order to make the gameplay feel more real. It did that in order to inject that survival horror aspect that many complained the series has lost. Still, it will never be like it was on the PS1, bc now the story simply doesn't allow for that anymore. Zombies in RE are no longer just isolated to one mansion or town, the world is now completely overrun by them, so to complain about it no longer feeling all survival horror is just dumb.

I really liked the characters as well, and felt the production values were absolutely stellar, and made the game way more exciting. As far as the campaigns, yes, Leon's was the best, but I did appreciate how they gave us not only 3 of them, and an unlockable one, but also that you could control 1 of 2 characters in either one of them. Although once beating all 4 campaigns i never went back to play them again as the other characters bc i just felt that i played the game out. I may go back to it at some point. Chris' campaign i agree was a bit annoying, only because it felt TOO MUCH like Call of Duty at certain points. It was also a bit too easy. Jake's wasn't anywhere near as bad as people complain about, and Ada's was really cool as well.

I can see why people didn't like it, even though their complaints didnt bother me personally, but I don't think any reviewer should've given it anything lower than a 7/10. Great game and I'm excited to see where Capcom takes RE7

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#10 metalgrinch
Member since 2005 • 455 Posts

The demographic has been increasing as there are more women gamers than ever before, especially with such variety in games now, it's way more than just either destroying stuff or cutsy Mario games. The most difficult portion of women to get gaming though is that of mothers or older women, bc right now it's really just lots of high school/college/20-something single women.