@joke_man @metroidhunterx You make the assumption that the denizens of Gamespot are all students of logical thought when on an almost consistent basis, not all, but many of them rely on their blind favoritism as the basis for their arguments.
@joke_man @metroidhunterx You're absolutely right. I forgot that guilt is proven exclusively through the use of anecdotal evidence. While we're at it, let's forego the entire judicial process. He said he was wronged - case closed, guys! Nobody EVER lies for personal gain.
Why is it that when someone is let go from a company, everyone is quick to point fingers at the company? All it takes is the slightest whisper of a lawsuit, and suddenly everyone becomes a hotshot attorney with case-cracking evidence in the form of hunches and hearsay.
@VBVCSHARP @tushwacker I'll rephrase for him: Why the hell would anyone want to play games that have already been out for years NOW more than THEN? They're still too young to be retro, but too old to be relevant. I also doubt anyone hardcore enough to buy a tablet with a built-in gamepad will get one just to play the few original games there are, being that they're nearly all puzzle games with no buttons required.
So does this mean I can start calling out Microsoft for rehashing their games? That seems to be the "in" thing to do toward Nintendo; not that it isn't a valid complaint, albeit an incredibly overplayed one.
@Yishaijah @billaboy69 @CyberLips Listen, guy, your views are your views, and you're entitled to them. I personally don't understand why anyone would want to change themselves in that way, but it's not my problem, because I'm not the one making the choice, and it doesn't affect me in the slightest. There's no point in making this about God, though. IF there is a God, he - or she, I really don't care which, because I don't believe in one, or many for that matter - will pass judgment on that person. It's not your job to be everyone's shepherd, and make sure they make the right decisions, or at least the decisions YOU think are right.
@dlove219 @metroidhunterx What I'm saying is that by no means does Sony stepping up their online change my mind about whether or not to get an Xbox One. Unless Microsoft pulls a complete 180, I'm not touching that console with a 10 foot pole. To be fair, I'm not sold on the Wii U, or the PS4 either, but so far, the PS4 is looking to be the most attractive of the 3 consoles.
@dlove219 I've been impartial mostly. I like some games on the PS3, and some on the 360. This time around, with all the focus on shit nobody cares about, or already has access to, I hope that either Microsoft gets their head out of their ass, or Sony beats the everloving piss out of them and a lesson is learned.
@experience_fade You're right, we SHOULD focus our dismay toward a singular aspect, rather than oppose all facets of this system that we find unacceptable!
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