@PodXCOM That's what we need more of, as you probably remember Guerrilla Games did a tech demo for Killzone 2, and the game looked great, but the game really didn't look like the tech demo they did for the teaser.
I really hope those 2 guys are able to deliver that kind of quality, on the system they can put that game into since it will cost a lot. I saw that they used Blender since 3ds Max and Maya cost a lot to use comercially.
These kind of projects should be the norm, not the exception.
Now, if only this translated into better games...sadly it doesn't by a mile.
So we get to play the same games every year, with new hardware on consoles?, I rather keep playing on my pc/notebook, at least I can choose into a wide library of games with compatible classics that I bought when they were released.
New games on my ps3/xbox 360 must have facebook, twitter, multiplayer and co-op, and make millions so we can have another "upgraded" 2, 3, 4 of the same game annually.
Take note on games like Demon Souls, they intend to make money, not always millions, but selling below 500k games isn't a failure.
The problem now aren't graphics, the problem is all the companies trying to make 50 millions on 1 game. Devs used to make games for their companies, now suit dressed old men take decisions about those games they created.
Thats the main problem, suit dressed old men and PR, don't play games, and devs don't make games anymore, they create projects to join bigger companies, instead of making their own and grow.
So now we are left with plain programmers trying to meet a deadline, not artists with vision and imagination.
Kojima didn't had to contract a writer to come up with the story inside all those Metal Gears, because games really don't need that, anyone can come up with good stories, but now they won't risk anything, so we see big budget games wasted as GTA4, it was good, but not even its story and money could make it as revolutionary as GTA 3.
@PodXCOM yeah but you are expecting a leap like from ps1 games to GTA3, or something like Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament.
Those days are over, game makers aren't making bets like they did long time ago, they want to be sure they are going to make money, Live and Psn stores, limit creations to Low Budget /Blockbuster games, there are no "in betweens", no new devs that could go right to the top, even in movies they sometimes risk a failure, that doesn't happen here anymore.
Sure it will look better, but not that much, 720p to 1080p is almost unoticeable, try changing that on a pc, thats not a "leap", its just a little upgrade, that most gamers on pc already have.
Tech Demos are just that, Tech Demos, not even the biggest developers (at least in all my years of pc gaming), have been able to deliver the quality of a Tech Demo (not ever).
Those FF tech demos could run perfectly on a pc (in a 2500k, 560ti, 4gb ram, cheap), and on a console at lower resolutions.
Go check the Tech Demos on the www.nvidia.com and www.amd.com, plenty that look better that the FF one, yet there is no game with that quality.
John Carmack couldn't care less about "next-gen", because it is already on PC, anyone that played Rage with full AA (@32x) at 60 frames, it was just incredible, I didn't knew the buildings on the background were really rendered until I changed my AA to 4 or 8 to see the difference, you cannot see a single jaggie on the game @ 32x yet the game doesnt get sloppy as Crysis 2 or Metro 2033, on consoles it's the same, fluid graphics with Rage, sloppy with C2 and Metro.
When you create an engine, you must optimize it for the machines you have NOW, I think most devs could do an engine that required some other vid cards and proccessors that are not yet created but will exist.
BUT as of RIGHT NOW, there isn't a game out there, that requires an upgrade, Metro 2033 (best/most demanding pc graphics) was released on consoles too (well at least for the xbox 360), and it isn't that relevant since the experience is a rather common one.
New consoles 2013/2014 @ $500-600 or $400 if they are in a good mood for what?, COD?, FIFA 14?, Killzone 4?, Halo 5?.....lol, yeah, I'm excited too...
@tektrader sure, like old techonolgy like 3D in movies and games, "touch screens" and all that old stuff that people in the 60's, 80's thought would be cool in the future.
Graphics used to matter, but because of the 105 million games with good graphics and bad gameplay NOW THEY DON'T MATTER AS MUCH AS BEFORE.
Best graphics as of now is Metro 2033 on pc, does it deserve a 10 rating?, does it have the best gameplay ever?, no, and no. 81 in metacritic.
@jbnares Since Kojima imputs a style and feel to every game he creates, I think it's more about him wanting to handle the project, rather than thinking the teams in his company can't handle making those games.
Just look at Zone of the Enders 2: The 2nd Runner. It was just "produced" by Kojima, and it's the BEST MECHA GAME ON ANY SYSTEM EVER, so I wouldn't say they are incompetent.
Not about Mass Effect 3, but on Doom 3, you want realism???, what about running out of bullets and finishing the game with a crowbar or something like that?, what about the rechargeable batteries when they go out of juice?, should they have done a "battery recharger mod" after the "duct tape mod" FOR ADDED REALISM?, for gods sake YOU ARE ON MARS!!!, you actually believe there is ductape all over the Labs?, OBVIOUSLY, the "flashlight or weapon" was made to feel the pressure of the environment over you.
Gamers today are such babies, that when you actually die or lose in a game there is barely any form of penalty.
"I want REALISM IN MY GAMES, but if I die, I want to re-spawn in the same location and with all the stuff I had, else I won't buy the game, because it is too hard, and I don't have time for that, but don't mind my belly, I'm just fat because these developers keep killing me in MY GAME that I BOUGHT, so they steal the time I would otherwise use to go to the gym"......yeah, sure.
I don't even like the game that much, but the comments about mods being better than this are way off....
Yes, some mods are REALLY GOOD, but some are just there to show more skin on the females in the game.
But to disregard this as something not good, even though it is just a trailer...nuts.
Besides, there isn't a vampire mod that looks like this small trailer, so, what is the point commenting against it, the dev, even released the mod tools for all to use, and now they do an expansion....what is not to like there?.
It seems that some people complain just for the sake of complaining.
I hope that if they do a "climbing scene" in this game, they actually get it right this time.
Please just ask the people that go rock climbing everyday at the gym or weekends at the mountain, this it is just too much, Tomb Raider Underworld almost got it right, but with the sense of a character that has super human strenght/ nothing wrong with that.
But to see Nathan, climbing buildings and not even sweat at it... just add a stamina bar or something, to at least be afraid of falling.
metzenlord's comments