@clookoo213 hopefully we get a multiplayer system like in Quake 3 Arena, so kids nowadays get to play REAL multiplayer fps action. Not that COD "hide and call a chopper" thing.
@CincoToes Rise of The Triad, but it really wasn't that good, the problem was we didn't had anything really good to play, so some games were instant classics without really being awesome.
@Cypress131 well yeah, nintendo always did that with prices, n64 games were $89.99.
But if you remember it wasn't like with the wii, sony made real money that gen, even though PlayStation games didn't looked as good.
The thing is why they want to stop used game sales?, Diablo 3 for example, no piracy there, no used game sales there, and still $59.99 whats their excuse? multiplayer? Auction House?, isn't that forcing something on the game that you even didn't like?
I'm sorry but why are we paying $59.99 again? My pc games still cost $49.99, (some of them at least), and if I buy digital (psn, live, steam) I also have to use MY internet connection that I pay for.
PC games used to have big boxes with books for manuals, price? $49.99.
PlayStation 1, 2, Xbox games too $49.99.
Now every game on consoles and also some on pc (multiplayer sometimes wihtout servers provided by the dev), pdf manual, dlc's from 10-15 bucks, retail price $59.99?
Smart Steam....try and sell me something I don't really like for $59.99...I won't buy it.
Make a sale and hit me in the face with a -50% on that $59.99 game that I didn't really like...you got yourself a customer.
Dear Devs, we don't want DLC, we want cheaper prices on your games.
@roganth Exactly, in this case, there is nothing that implies he died because of playing for a long period of time, he could be on Heroin and OD WHILE playing Diablo 3.
Yeah, he crashed on a highway while going at 160mph and hadn't slept for 3 full days and also had a heart disiease, but when the authorities found the body, his arm was still reaching for a fly that was crushed in the windshield pointing a leg to the man's face.
metzenlord's comments