@flammable_zeus @blackace @fanboy999 I´m playing System Shock 2 on steam right now, on an i7 amd 6770m 6gb laptop, not using the O/S it was designed for, no problem.
I thought 4A had a limitless budget, Metro 2033 looked amazing though it required a monster pc, but this Metro Last Light?, this is what next generation videos and games promise, yet never deliver.
This is not just a good game, it has the best graphical engine out there, I wasn´t this blown away by graphics since ID games+engines.
Great game, but what an INCREDIBLE ENGINE.
Guess that´s why their name is 4A right? as in "better than big budget AAA games"?
I think Johnny does a lot of funny videos, but man, please play a console game on video as soon as possible, your "gamer rep" is on red numbers lol....and I thought my grandma couldn't play pc/console games well...
@deon99 @MAD_AI its because some of us play on consoles too, there were many wrongs with this generation of consoles, like how long it was, but that also brought the benefit of standarizing graphics. Yes pc games should look better and should require more expensive hardware, but now you can play many games on almost standard laptops, good games on tablets, etc.
Btw, it wasn't a little graphics improvement, back in the day, right away my 8800gts was better than my PS3, i played Clive Barker's Jericho on the same monitor, it looked and played better on pc, also my xbox 360 broke twice before getting my 2007 ps3.
Lets see how consoles handle in this day an age where you can have similar performance with mainstream graphics and components, it used to be that consoles were better than mainstream pieces, now thats not true.
metzenlord's comments