I just can't stop wondering how GTA V could have looked on my pc, not to imply that looks bad on my xbox, is just the resolution and fps that you need to get used to.
I believe they will do a tiered announcement for new consoles and pc, since that is the way to generate more money, but I hope there is a future for cross-platform multiplayer, I'm getting tired of not being able to play because my friends are cheap and wait until the system and games are old.
(I sold my ps3 last year and preordered ps4, now my friends are playing on ps3 and I'm stuck with the xbox version, but hey, its gta, I couldnt wait).
@armpitpuncher I´m sorry it should have read "gamespot never gives the highest score to games like this", I really dont care about the score GTA V got, just that if this is a 9, what does a game require to get a 10?.
@gashoe13 @metzenlord Nothing, I wasn´t comparing the games, and I enjoy payiong COD sometimes, I was just comparing the reviews, example:
COD MW (The bad): Campaign mode is much shorter than those of the average shooter.
GTA V (The bad): Politically muddled and profoundly misogynistic
It feels IMO like they are obligated that something is wrong with the game regardless of them being the best offer their respective generes have.
In short, I could never understood why most reviewers and sites are afraid to give a 10 to the best games, skyrim, bioshock series etc, they are always 9.0/9.5.
It is not the reviewer, gamespot never gives high scores to games like this, PC Gamer gave Half-Life 2 an 11 I believe, gamespot gave 9.2, because "dissapointing story and AI", but keeps calling COD "Innovative".
It's OK, everyone has interests and money invested in something else, still tons of people will buy this game and publishers and developers will have to follow.
Until indies make them realize, its quality we're after, not series of repetitive formulas and games, COD could be good if they released real updates every 3-4 years.
True, I just bought a vita for this one along with ps plus an a 16gb memory card, I have just played this for a week, only multiplayer (13+ hrs) and EVE Online, Metro Last Light and the last of us are waiting for me on pc and ps3, and halo 4 on xbox.And his review says "generic fps".
I thought generic meant COD, but gamespot calls COD "innovative", lol.
I have tried many fps for over 20 years, from doom to bioshock infinite, metro, blood, hexen, both with consoles and high end pc's right now with a Gtx 780.Killzone Mercenary compared to anything portable, be it ipads, cellphones, 3ds's, gameboys, etc. is on another league.Of course, if you play a game too much its going to get boring, but that shouldn't ruin your experience with it, if you played a beta until burn out, something good it must have had.
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