yup, but there is still europe, and gta tends to sell well in europe, otherwise this is relatively poor. When did this game release beginning, end of march or april?Mckenna1845
it came out March 14
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yup, but there is still europe, and gta tends to sell well in europe, otherwise this is relatively poor. When did this game release beginning, end of march or april?Mckenna1845
it came out March 14
Now we have data, and the number is far worse than the most conservative estimates 88,704.
it's kinda sad to see this happen as the man said in this report this games salez might scare publishers from making adult oriented games for the ds it's a shame for such a great game to be recieving such lousy salez.
the ds is going to be full of kiddy games
They are not bad for a normal shooter on a last place console but far from good for the most overhyped shooter ever on the most successfull brand ever! Oh wait :lol:
hype wasn't for salez so if we can pull out false hype halo wars was hyped AAAAE
the only way KZ2 was going to meet it's hype was if it sold 4 million copes in it's first day. don't blame the game for people hyping it to a rediculous level that no game can meet
hype was for graphics and score not salez
if you want to make uncalled hype I could say you guys hyped ninja blade and halo wars AAAAE
Killzone 2 selling over 1 million is great seeing as how the the first game was quite poor. However, I cant help but feel confused about the numbers. We know the game has sold over 600k in NA alone. Now, we were also told it had around 1 million pre orders in the EU. Wouldn't that make sales closer to 1.6 million.
I find it hard to believe that KZ2 only sold 400k in Europe. It would be nice to find out how much it has sold over 1 million. From what I've heard I expect sales to be close to 1.5 million. Some clarity would be nice.
No, it's just over 1 million. The 1.1 million pre-orders were just **** from Sony. If it was close to 1.5M sony would have said it. it's only 1 million accept it
sony didn't say it's just over a million sony said it sold over a million so yes it could be 1.5 mil by now
Alot of complaints have happend with this, here is somthing that has happened to me...
I went into my local EB Games store and asked for a copy of Halo 3 i ask them for the game, there is CLEARLY a bunch of copies SEALED on the shelf behind them but no they went through there draw thing and pulled out the disc and manually and didnt even worry about figerprints they just picked it up checked it in the cover with the manual and said 'here you go' i payed full price for a game that had been tossed carlessy into the cover and was not sealed.
How can they justify this? and yes for anyone asking, I am really picky.
- PSfanboy101
That happened to me in Gamestop with Little Big Planet I just gave the game back and demanded my money back bought a real sealed version at an unknown game shop.
Don't blame the 360 for your errors. You probably just careless when handling the disc. lol just teasing go to your local blockbuster or any other videostore and stick into the dvd buffer. Should make the readable again And seriously don't blame M$ for everything thing that goes wrong guys poopiVONpoo
why shouldn't they microsoftis responsible for making the system
ok i was playing online , i kept getting disconected from the servers then i hit y to go back to menu ,, open the tray take the game out ,
theres 1 little un circular scratch , right on the left,
and i didnt even move the stupid console,
this is gta copy 4 ,,
why does it always happen to gta iv ,
seriously does microsoft put somthing inside the 360 , for it to scratch a game for no reason being
microsoft is getting many lawsuits in California for disk scratching
you should call them and have them replce your disk.
Game looks wicked, and as we all know FPS control a lot better on the wiimote if done right. Imagine how fun online would be, given such great accuracy and control, due to actual hand movement and NOT control sticks. Only thing has me worried is story, doesn't seem to be interesting, then again we haven't seen much.
Now for Metroid, Bothers me how the game isn't considering as high when compared to other top shooters. (mostly likely due to online and the backtracking) I think Nintendo/Retro need to do another and really think hard concerning online and redo the whole back tracking thing, make it more like a shooter (while keeping what makes MP so great), that way it can be taken more seriously by the more causal gamers. Love to see a Metroid Prime game more focused around online. To the level of having it be compared to Halo or Killzone, etc. Maybe Next gen.
That being said, it wouldn't hurt if Nintendo worked on a SOLID shooter to call its own, Conduit COULD be it (nintendo backing that up?), but most likely not, unless the story and characters are memeorable and very deep.
95 % of the time good gamesdon't sell good on wii mostly shovelware look at metroid prime and madworld.
most wii owners don't like hardcore or quality.
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