@kali-b1rd: no I don’t, I’ve only been here for a few months. Who cares if I own the console if I get to play the games. Like I said I prefer the concept of streaming and if it weren’t for the next version of PSVR I wouldn’t be buying a PS5 in favor of streaming everything.
michaelmikado's forum posts
@kali-b1rd: meta-weight? What are you talking about? I’m a huge proponent of streaming and off console play, I’ve been using Remote Play since PS3. PSnow and Remote Play have been a dream come true for me. Why would that be a negative?
TRUE. I can literally play the video game on my PC and own no other system.
Next gen Streaming will be even better, and PS5 will lose many exclusives to PC.
Wow............................This guy is ... (help me fill in the blanks like mad libs)
"With PlayStation Now, you can play a wide variety of exclusive PlayStation games from your PC or your PlayStation 4."
Check Mate. Also read the text,

Worry about next gen. Worry hard.
(P.S. Lmao 2019 alts)
Did you even READ what they said????
You can play a wide variety of exclusive PlayStation gamesfrom your PC.
The publisher themselves still states they are exclusive even though you can play them on PC. Why would they state its exclusive??? Because playstation is a brand, and these games are exclusive to it like its always been.
Because they are Playstation Service exclusive games?
The absolute bottom line here is, nobody needs to actual own a PS4 to play it on thier PC.
Therefore, in system wars, where anything that's playable on another system without owning the original system in question, is multiplatform.
Nevermind the complete stupidity of you lot hiding behind old terminology to counter-act this point (even my above is dated) because streaming is a very new concept not even considered in the "System Wars". It's called change.
If we evolved this place into "company wars" or "service wars" then your point would stand. But as far as I can see that is not the case. the game is playable without a PS4 on PC, be it steam, native, anything.... the simple fact that one does not need a PS4 to play this game, makes a PS4 worth less than a PC in System Wars.
To be multiplatform it would need to actually be on multiple platforms. Every where you look, GameSpot, Wiki, etc lists Playstation as the platform. Streaming has been around for over a decade and there is a reason that Netflix has exclusives even though you have to get the app from the Apple app store to use it on iPhone. Because anything streaming is dependent on the platform NOT the device. You're right it has changed but its a well established precedent for over a decade that platform=service in regards to streaming NOT device. There is a well establish history on on constitutes exclusives in streaming and trying to ignore the entire industry and literally billions of other people who can seem to grasp this concept is absurd.
What? Literally the definition YOU posted means its exclusive????
limiting or limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or group (i.e. Sony)
Exclusive can refer either to 1 entity or a group composed of multiple entities. In this case Sony's PlayStation platform. Its literally the definition of exclusive that you posted....
Tricky Alt, you took out the very first definition. It states ": excluding others from participation" as the very first definition in that link.
PC is not excluded from playing BB.
As for the other definition, It's not limited to possession or control of a PS4. You can play it on PC and only a PC.
It's objectively not Exclusive.
OMG... hahahahahaha ..... Ok either this is a joke or you have never gotten past the 1st grade and also do not know how dictionaries work........
Ok seriously I will help you out. Many words in the dictionary have multiple definitions depending upon application and nuance. In this case, you would use the entry which best describes your application. Further you cannot use a negative (not or non statement) to describe something that it actually is. For instance, Football has two definitions, the first is the game, the second is the football itself. You cannot look at a Football game and make the statement, " The is not Football" because you personally mean a football ball. This would be incorrect usage in the english language because the fact it is actually does meet the definition. A word is not required to meet every definition in every instance to be true, however it would need to not meet every definition in order to be not true. Here I recommend trying this worksheet for help on reading a dictionary. It may be the cause of confusion and possible go a long way to helping you understand basic English usage concepts. If you need more assistance or a tutor I would be happy to help.
Give it a try. If you would like me to grade your work please submit it to the forum and I'll give you a gold star for adequate completion.
FALSE. The game code cannot be executed on PC.
TRUE. I can literally play the video game on my PC and own no other system.
Next gen Streaming will be even better, and PS5 will lose many exclusives to PC.
Wow............................This guy is ... (help me fill in the blanks like mad libs)
"With PlayStation Now, you can play a wide variety of exclusive PlayStation games from your PC or your PlayStation 4."
Check Mate. Also read the text,

Worry about next gen. Worry hard.
(P.S. Lmao 2019 alts)
Did you even READ what they said????
You can play a wide variety of exclusive PlayStation gamesfrom your PC.
The publisher themselves still states they are exclusive even though you can play them on PC. Why would they state its exclusive??? Because playstation is a brand, and these games are exclusive to it like its always been.
No that's NOT the definition of console exclusives.
Incorrect. Streaming is newer waters and growing. And we aren't discussing console exclusives, as PC is the main platform the exclusivity is being lost on due to streaming.
Bloodborne can literally be played on PC without owning anything but a PC.
Bloodborne is not exclusive to PS4.
The definition of Exclusive:
adjectiveex·clu·sive | \ ik-ˈsklü-siv , -ziv\
Definition of exclusive
(Entry 1 of 2)
1a: excluding or having power to excludeb: limiting or limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or group2a: excluding others from participationb: snobbishly aloof
Bloodborne is not exclusive.
As streaming grows next gen (which it largely will), your argument will harder and harder as it gets more popular and an accepted means to play some games.
What? Literally the definition YOU posted means its exclusive????
limiting or limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or group (i.e. Sony)
Exclusive can refer either to 1 entity or a group composed of multiple entities. In this case Sony's PlayStation platform. Its literally the definition of exclusive that you posted....
FALSE. The game code cannot be executed on PC.
TRUE. I can literally play the video game on my PC and own no other system.
Next gen Streaming will be even better, and PS5 will lose many exclusives to PC.
Wow............................This guy is ... (help me fill in the blanks like mad libs)
Imagine having to make up fiction because two alts are spamming the same factually inaccurate nonsense.
Four of us have destroyed you alts. This thread is a clear win with Recloud and you getting laughed out of here.
As streaming becomes more popular next gen you wont' be able to run away from this.
@son-goku7523: I know right? They didn't provide any hard proof, they just tried to spin and struggle. They're like zombies at this point.
The hard proof is the fact the game can be played on PC.
It objectively isn't exclusive. Definitions and facts matter. Facts > Feelings.
FALSE. The game code cannot be executed on PC. Period. Why is that so fundamentally hard for you to understand. I don't care if you want to call it non-exclusive just so long as you can grasp that damn simple concept. BLOODBORNE GAME CODE WAS NOT RELEASED TO RUN ON PC. Are you really this dense?!?!?!?!?!?!
I'll make sure to address the false information you just posted.
I can play Bloodborne on PC. It's literally and objectively not an exclusive.
As streaming becomes more popular next gen this will be taken into account for marketing purposes as well, so you can't latch onto that either.
No that's NOT the definition of console exclusives. There's an entire wiki entry on it which describes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Console_exclusivity
Console exclusivity refers to the status of a video gamebeing developed for and released only on one particular video game console, or multiple consoles created by one video game firm.
By every possible industry accepted definition. This remains NONE. ZERO. NADA. Development of the game Bloodborne for PC. Answer me this. Was the game Bloodborne EVER developed and released on the PC platform ever? Either you literally cannot understand the concept of game development or you're absolutely trolling. Again, it doesn't even matter if it is or isn't. The point is you so fundamentally fail in understanding the development and production of games is what I take issue with. Bloodborne could be released for every platform in the world for all I care. I solely take issue with how unbelievably idiotic the discussion is as to how people cannot understand some of bare mechanics of game development and particularly how game streaming works. My issue solely lays with individuals not grasping those trival concepts.
@michaelmikado: So, you misunderstood my initial comment and then decided to rant about something that was not stated because you don't like the FACT that a PS4 or Xbox game that is available via game streaming SERVICE on other platforms removes said title from being EXCLUSIVE to the PS4 or Xbox. None of your verbose changes that fact, no matter how hard you try to fool yourself into believing you know what you are talking about.
What are you talking about? I love the fact that Sony supports and I’m able to play Bloodborne from my iPhone, iPad, or my work PC Right now which none of the other big three have been able to make available yet without gamers having to figure out complex ways to do what I can do out of the box with my PS4. My only issue is the completely idiotic reimagining of what exclusive means in video game. But yes I absolutely being able to do this, I literally use it every da. Why would I have a problem that it exists???
Sony making the move to allow gamers to play their games on other systems besides the PS4 is definitely a victory. :)
Indeed it’s been a victory since it launched with the PS4. Its soooo bizarre that you are just learning this was always the case? Every PS4 game has been able to be played on another device since 2013. It was always winning since the very beginning.
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