Hmm, very interesting take. I would like to explore this further based on the above. You are seeming to imply that a streaming service which the end user experiences on multiple devices cannot be "exclusive" or have exclusivity. You also bring up the "retardism of fanhood". I would ask if you think attempting to redefine a word to mean something other than what the industry standard has defined it to mean would also fall under the blanket of "retardism of fanhood". Let's just assume for the sake of argument that there a was definition of streaming exclusivity which has been established more than a decade ago by some of the largest players in the entire industry and 99% of the world has come to understand what exclusivity in regards to streaming means. Yet some random guy on an internet gaming forum wants to redefine the word and tell the very same people who created the services and infrastructure and coined the term "exclusive" in regards to streaming services that this concept doesn't actually exist... Let's imagine this guys ignores a decade of Netflix exclusives, Hulu exclusives, etc. and ignores that fact that these run on multiple devices and hardware yet all claim exclusives. Now let's imagine this guy rambles this crazed thoughts endlessly for no apparent or logical reason despite the fact that 99% of the world understands that platform exclusivity is a real tangible concept and that watching the latest Netflix exclusive on your iPhone doesn't somehow make the content no longer "exclusive" to Netflix.
What would you say to this individual?
Well for someone who claim they have no agenda you sure pushing hard on the agenda. :)
So, you spent all this time arguing nonsense about a game being exclusive because in some round about nonsensical manner they are still using the hardware. When that tripe failed you now trying to redirect the argument as if it was originally about service exclusivity?
That is an interesting approach to being wrong and trying to hide the fact that you were wrong. Next time, keep track of your arguments and don't rely on creating new arguments to magically make your former argument disappear.
There is no agenda, I'm genuinely concerned for your mental capacities that you've taken to inventing definitions that are contrary to the understanding of 99.99% of the populace. It's a legitimate concern which you may have already self diagnosed in your previous post. There is no argument about service exclusivity. The discussion surround what constitutes exclusivity and exclusivity as defined be the streaming industry who invented it, is already well understood to be exclusive to platforms rather than devices. Please explain how every streaming service can use the term exclusive to describe content received on multiple devices yet you are one of 5 people in the world who hold this cryptic knowledge of what streaming "exclusive" actually means. Either that or you are just plain wrong. Even five year old understand this concept. When you ask them what channels Sesame Street is on and which ones they are not they don't say "iPad or Samsung TVs". Because they have the mental maturity to understand that industry context usage of a word and derive its meaning.
Are posters really not able to reason at the same level of 5 year old children?? It's an utter embarrassment.
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