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#1  Edited By michaelmikado
Member since 2019 • 406 Posts

@Shewgenja said:


It will also have a disc drive and it seems that early releases will be cross gen. PSVR support out of the box. Seems like a seamless upgrade from the 4.

The gamespot article is wrong. The original article never states it will have a disc drive just that it supports physical media.

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#2 michaelmikado
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Loving this, this is amazing. Time to save my pennies.

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#3 michaelmikado
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Barr will do his job, he’s not about to throw away 30+ years of experience and ties to people like Mueller and Rosenstein over something like this. He knows exactly what he’s doing and every single word, period, and comment in his summary was placed there for a reason. If Barr was going through all the effort to cover things up permanently why would he specifically state in his summary that the findings did not exonerate anyone? He was able to write anything and specifically placed that phrase in his first summary for a reason.

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#4 michaelmikado
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The Justice Department expects to release on Thursday a redacted version of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report on President Trump, his associates and Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, setting the stage for further battles in Congress over the politically explosive inquiry.

Kerri Kupec, a spokeswoman for the department, said Monday that officials plan to issue the report to Congress and the public on Thursday morning.


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#5 michaelmikado
Member since 2019 • 406 Posts

@lavamelon said:

Most vegans and vegetarians say its wrong to eat meat because its immoral to take away the animals life. Sounds reasonable on paper, however, there is another side to the story: if I buy a piece of meat, the farmer who raised that animal will use my money (that I paid for the meat) to buy food for the remaining animals that he still has on his farm. How do vegans expect farmers to raise thousands of animals unless there is money coming into the farmers bank account so he can purchase food for his animals?

If everybody on Earth went vegan, the farm animals we eat WOULD NO LONGER EXIST at all because there is no reason for a farmer to bother raising them anymore. What kind of farmer is going to say "okay, so I have hundreds of sheep on my farm, but I am going to continue feeding them and make myself go totally bankrupt because everybody on Earth is vegan and no longer buys animal products". Make absolutely zero sense. Farm animals would basically go extinct.

So if any vegans or vegetarians are reading this, I am interested in hearing your thoughts. I am curious to know how we are "saving" the animals lives by refusing to give our money to farmers who want to buy food or those animals to exist in the first place?

You are conflating Veganism, vegetarianism, and conservationists. Being a vegan does not mean you are a conservationist.

More importantly I don't think you watched Jurassic Park.....

There is a scene Ian Malcolm is Hammond are talking and Ian Malcolm is against the idea of the park. Hammond attempts the use the false equivalence of condors as an example. Stating that if he had achieved the same process Ian Malcolm would be all for it. Malcolm explains that the lose of natural environment through human expansion is what caused their extinction, not a geo-physical event.

In the same right, the idea of veganism is multi-facet. The farm animals no longer resemble their wild neighbors anymore than dogs resemble or behave as wolves. Through years of domestication this animals would be unable to survive and in reality represent entirely unnatural and domesticated breed where their ecological lost would not be felt because they technically shouldn't exist and in the numbers that they do.

Further the argument is not about "saving" the animals but rather the inhumane and unnatural treatment of these animals. Many vegans are actually fine with sustainably sourced and ethically sound meat sources. They simply choice not to utilize them for personal choices. The impacts of meat production are real ecological and economic drain due the inefficiency of meat production requiring multiple steps of passing nutrients.

That being said, I was a vegetarian for 7 years about 20 years ago and now very much enjoy all types of foods including meat. There's nothing wrong with enjoying meat. There's also nothing wrong with not enjoying it either.

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#6 michaelmikado
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@horgen said:
@zaryia said:

So what are we debating again? That Barr/Mueller are lying about interference but amazingly accurate on collusion?

Whatever paints Trump in the best light according to Republicans, and worst light according to Democrats. :P

By all means lets completely avoid the topic of how we can identify and reduce or eliminate such influence in coming elections. Because that would be solving problems and no one has time for that.

Its not even the case in this instance. Ive said before and ill say it again. Barr, Rosenstein, Mueller, all have ample knowledge and respect for the law. They arent about to throw decades of public service away to protect Trump.

The report was carefully crafted to very narrowly define the specific items they did not find evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt to incriminate a sitting president. Even in the case of conspiracy they explicitly state on the summary that they needed to find evidence of an agreement. Which does not mean attempts to obtain stolen information by foriegn agents were not attempted or successful.

Its incredibly clear through Barrs own words that the intention was to encourage Trump to publicly approve its release and let Congress decide hoq to procede as they would be the only entity capable of taking action. Thw reality is that Trump has had the ability to have the investigation stopped and the evidence destroyed at anytime through various constitutional means. A admission of this in a summary would have triggered a situation where the president considers destroying evidence using his constitutional powers because the outcome of actually report could of been of more legal jeopardy than perceptions of obstruction. The second scenario is where the White House requests to see the report before congress and Barr complies. The White House then gives input on who should see it or not or does "corrections". The fact is Barr used Trumps own words against him and stated the report would be released to Congress in redacted from in a few weeks in being consistent with Trumps public statements to release the report even before the white house sees the full report. Barr has laid the trap. Trump has agreed with the summary of the finding of the report which gives the report credibility in the eyes of his supporters. Thus when the full report drops showing other crimes there will be no room to claim witch hunt. These guys arent amateurs.

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#7 michaelmikado
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@X_CAPCOM_X said:
@TheEroica said:
@X_CAPCOM_X said:

So, whats the point of this? Do we like options or whatever? Or not when Sony does them? I'm confused, why do we need to damage control this?

Who is damage controlling anything? We are looking at numbers.... And context.

The first lines of the OP are unmistakable cross-hairs. The comparison to Sega CD (or even worse, the 32x), a largely unsuccessful add on despite having some good games, is also an unequivocal jab. Given its recent sales milestone announcement, thats some damage control.

Here's the context: It's the highest selling Gaming VR headset by a longshot. It's also weaker and cheaper than (most of) its competitors. This analysis could be performed on any of the headsets. Instead, it is aimed at PSVR.

It's an expensive add on for emerging tech, similar to its PC-only counterparts. Similar to Sega CD, it is a shoe-in to emerging technology, which is gaining interest among developers (could link articles indicating developer interest, but I'm sure you've seen them). CD technology took off the following generations, and we should expect VR to find its place as well.

Hopefully this airs the fog out, and you can understand why someone would be confused that a person would even make some of the comparisons here.

I think this is also an important take away. It is an emerging technology that was just "added" to a primary system. Future iterations of emerging tech will look very different in utility and implementation. It's not to say VR will take over gaming, nor that VR will die a horrible death. Rather, that it will have it's place in gaming as it matures.

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#8 michaelmikado
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Maybe I'm missing the point of the thread... PSVR, near as I can tell (considering I have one), is an add-on which requires a primary piece of hardware to operate.

With that in mind, it wouldn't be comparable to a standalone console. Even when comparing the 32x or Sega CD it still has more units sold than those two add-ons combined?

As a comparison, Sega CD was my first CD player, similar to how my PS2 was my first DVD player, and PS3 my first Blu-Ray player.

Is the point that is successful as an add-on or that it isn't? Because the only add-on that actually sold better all around was the Kinect. I also don't recall the Sega CD being considered a failure so I'm very confused by this thread and what is trying to be conveyed.

Anyway, the best way to tell if something is a "failure" is to determine if it is still being supported by the company...

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#9 michaelmikado
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@joshrmeyer said:

That's a good deal. I'm sure there's a few games that'd easily make up the $60 price. Plus they are allowing download on certain games, for those that say they don't like streaming(even though once MS goes all streaming, they'll suddenly love it). Not sure if it's posted yet, but PS Plus is $45 on the PSN store right now also. Remember when a bunch of people on here said they'd be all for paying for a combined year of PS Plus with PS Now for $100? Well this is close.

I was actually just thinking about this...

$45 PS Plus with 10/month PS Now to supplement the reduced number of games

$60 PS Now with free PS Plus for PS Now games

$100 PS Plus NOW with expanded EA Access library.

Honestly I just thought they would make a new tier at $150 rather than making all the services cheaper.

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#10 michaelmikado
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@Archangel3371: Fair enough