Sony isn't the first, Sony isn't the best, All Sony did was copied other's BETTER solution and presented their crap alternative because of technical as well as financial/business constraints. Sony isn't the bar, Nvidia is, period.
How is Nvidia the bar of financial, business, or technical constraints when they having even launched their product yet?
Geforce Now is still in beta and not even released as a product. An example of a streaming service is Shadow which doesn't even include games and costs $35 a month, $420 a year just to stream a gaming computer, no games.
You can't even get your facts straight on what are actually launched and working streaming services let alone the technology or business reasons behind them.
So you came back after all the beating you took? If you had some shame you wouldn't get back after proven false on your excuse for queueing. But but, the queue exists because they are spinning a new instance, false. Sony don't have the capacity to serve many users. Remote Play isn't cloud streaming. None of what you claimed has an ounce of truth in it and a constant barrage of goal posts move. I told you I won't reply to you but since you're lying out of your a$$ and claiming no one claimed Sony was the first or I'm the one who brought PS Now into discussion, here's a reminder:
Sony has been doing for several years now what MS is faking in this video so there is no jealousy at all.
Right now I’m sticking with PSNow as I think I already see what Sony is aiming for based on the past 5 years of using PSnow but I’m firming in camp Google as their nearest competitor.
@michaelmikado said:As it stands now MS is doing the exact thing Sony did 5 years ago in 2014 by putting blade servers made of its last gen devices up basically rdp into them.
WOW, I actually came to say this exact same thing almost word for word. Glad people are finally understanding the history of game streaming and realizing that Sony isn't "just" starting this process. They have almost a decade and a half of game streaming via the internet experience.
And then you switched the goalpost to console manufacturer when you have been proven wrong because you thought no one knows about Nvidia or Geforce Now.
Fact 2) Sony, is the FIRST and ONLY mainstream console stream feature of any of the major consoles. This is NOT debatable. The fact is Sony has had the technology to perform real-time video compression/decompression and sending it across the internet to a remote PSP while also working on control input latency and they've been doing this for a decade and a half.
It was cows who brought PS Now into the discussion and claimed it to be superior as well as the first. None of that is true. So remain mad knowing that and no amount of personal insults will change that you're biased as hell for Sony and purposefully tried to misled people thinking they wouldn't know how things work. And you have been reported for your personal insults in the quote below:
Yikes not sure why this turned into a discussion about PSnow. Or why PSnow is the one on trial when we’re looking at the presentation from MS’s xCloud. I don’t think anyone in this thread ever ever even claimed Sony were first at cloud streaming but were the first console game streaming feature. I can only assume certain users have recently been committed to an institution and using their 1 hour of free internet access to make arguments that no one ever made.
If someone can point to me where in this thread anyone said Sony was the first or best game streaming service maybe the user can finally stop arguing with that imaginary person in their heads. Please hurry because I think a very specific user is mentally broken by the facts presented and is hearing voices of arguments not made.
Lastly, you're again wrong because Geforce Now and Geforce Now on Shield are different services and I was talking about Shield which isn't in beta. Again you showing your lack of knowledge about anything.
Sony isn't the first, definitely isn't the best and only copied what others did better them them albeit in low quality.
Report away buddy, but I'm not wrong and you're assuming that you're the user in question.
There is no queuing message on NA PSNow FAQs. Sorry you are wrong, it does still exist for other regions but not regularly part of NA services as the service has scaled and evolved since launch. Regions like Europe will still experience queue constraints which is where your link was from.
Next, not a single one of your quotes show anyone claiming Sony did it first or better. Wrong again.
Lastly, no ALL Geforce Now services are in beta even the Geforce Shield. WRONG WRONG WRONG. You aren't able to get simple basic information correct.
From Nvidia's website. They even closed their own store and reduced services. Again you can't even get the basic information correct. You've just been completely wrong, derailing the threads with arguments that no one made. Now if you want to talk about this "bar" that Nvidia sets where they restrict users to 4 hours of gameplay at a time so that other players get a chance on their servers we certainly can talk about Geforce Now limitations on a service that isn't released and that you claim is the "bar".
Earlier this year we stopped charging a monthly service fee for GeForce NOW and closed down our game store. We are happy to announce that GeForce NOW on SHIELD is now a free beta, which lets you play your PC games from popular digital stores - such as Steam, Uplay and Epic Games, and popular free-to-play games. It also supports multiplayer so can play with your friends online. For now, we will continue to offer a select collection of game for free to our GeForce NOW SHIELD members. and all your old saved games will be there.
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