I wouldn’t buy Halo or Gears but if it came to Plus or PSnow I’d try it out. But I rarely pay full price for any game anyway.
michaelmikado's forum posts
Yikes this can’t be a serious question!
Just to name a few all day hello.
Western companies having significant technical prowess in game design and engineering is a very recent phenomenon. Probably only within the past 15 years.
All the characters are more proportional, it would look weird to have her as the only one with cartoonishly proportions..
Dedicated ray-tracing hardware is a waste and the latest in GPU and video game buzz words. Realistically, dedicated hardware ray tracing is probably one of the worst ways to solve lighting advancements and will likely be out of date within 3 years anyway. Hardware Raytracing, is only exciting for those just finding out its a thing.
From AMD's own slides. Hardware ray-tracing is a stop gap for cloud ray-tracing. Putting ray-tracing hardware in a device which lasts 7 years would be the largest waste of money and resources when bi-directional real-time full scene path-tracing will be here in less than 5 years. It's like the discreet shaders vs unified shaders arguments all over again.
Absolutely no, hardware ray-tracing is a terrible stop gap from the real meet and potatoes of refraction based processing. Pathtracing.
I'm a 10000000% proponent of pathtracing via cloud and specifically bi-directional pathtracing. Which judging from screenshots above is what AMD is seeking.
Yup and your could also stream backwards compatibility games directly from disc inserted in your PS3 over the internet. If the precedent they set with PS3 and PS4 is an indicator. Assuming PS5 is able to emulate ps3 we could have the full game library accessible via streaming for free.
Technically remote play has been around since PS3 to PSP. But yes, ive repeatedly stated MSs approach to cloud and streaming completely mimics Sonys approach at every level. That doesnt mean MS cant eventually do it better but the generation is almost over and MS is waiting until fall to release a gaming feature Sony has had since launch on the PS4 and implementedas far back as the PS3.
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