That’s the MOST asinine thing I’ve ever heard.
Under the PLAYSTATION brand you have:
Not to mention Sony movies or Crackle...
Sony has an entire ENTERTAINMENT package under its PLAYSTATION brand.
They even give rewards for subscribing to multiple services. Sony TODAY could bundle all these services for $5 a month if they wanted to.
Sony and the actual PlayStation brand have everything they need to bundle the services right now. They are charging $20 because literally no one other major player has a single gaming streaming service on the Market yet. They literally don’t have to do anything and can completely change direction tomorrow just like they added a bunch of games this month to the PSNow service. They can literally do that at ANYTIME. Today, tomorrow, a year from now... it doesn’t matter.
Who in their right mind would think PSNow will stay the way it is for the next 5 years when it’s completely changed in past 5 years even with it being the only service on the market.
Even more amazing is saying they can’t compete when you don’t have a single price point of any competitor offering a “Netflix game streaming service” to compare it to. Again what are you comparing PSNow too??? Services aren’t available and don’t have a price point. You can say PSNow isn’t interesting but you’re if you think you’re gonna get anything like 1000 games streaming with no console for under $15 bucks a month you haven’t done your research at all.
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