@michaelmikado: I understand the reasoning behind the resolution limitation, but it still doesn't alter the fact that it's lagging behind competitors, with no plans to improve. Kids will be happy enough, but gamers - the target audience - have moved on from 720p two generations ago and the fact remains that subscription numbers are poor. I guarantee you that if PSnow followed the Gamepass model, numbers would explode. Which PS4 owner wouldn't want to download last of us 2 etc for that price?
Right now, Sony would never do that because their 1st party games sell so well...but if competitors are offering AAA games it may well influence next gen choices, which is why I said Sony have some choices to make.
My whole argument is not that psnow sucks. 700,000 people subscribe and enjoy it. My argument is that the way we consume digital media is changing, and Sony have to improve that end to continue to compete. Like it or not, physical discs will die out, as will game stores....its just way cheaper to release them digitally - or offer streaming.
MS has the knowhow, finances and server capacity to create a big player in the streaming industry and Sony can't compete on those terms, which is why they have made a deal with MS to use Azure.
To be fair, both consoles have lost the battle already, because most people game on mobiles...which are now starting their own subscription services.
The 720p stream can use hardware acceleration to upscale on the client. Many people have reported very good results streaming to 4K displays because of this. Sony has done this for 5 years and understands the costs of rendering at higher resolutions, what it does to data caps and bandwidth etc. more than anyone else on a game streaming service. The absorbed the biggest game streaming services to previously exist.
If I had to guess Sony's plan is simple:
The bulk of their game library are 720p and under.
Its cheap to stream at 720p with bandwidth and data caps.
Mobile is fine with 720p.
They use hardware upscaling on the clients for the 720p streams.
For the best experience buy a PlayStation console and download the game which saves them tremendous money compared to competitors.
No one else has the game library and streaming available for this price. Netflix had terrible streaming quality compared to Amazon when released. But Netflix was cheaper and offered more volume of older content and library. PSNow is literally replicating that exact same model but in videogames while xCloud and Stadia are replicating more of the Amazon Prime model.
Low tech streaming, huge older library , cheap price = Netflix/PSNow
High tech Streaming, Newer smaller library, premium price for content = Amazon Prime/ Stadia/xCloud
Its a different approach and both have their places but one method seems to clearly reach critical mass faster. Its like comparing Walmart and Target.
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