His games were head of their time, and it's sad that we won't be able to see what he could've done with the PS4 or even the current generation of consoles ocnsidering his last game was on the Wii.
I really think Michael Ancel and his team are the only "good" people at Ubisoft; part of me wants him to resign and start a new dev studio with his team, but another part of me still wants BG&E2. ;-;
The specs are sounding a bit more promising than I thought, but the rumor of used games being blocked still bothers me; part of me is hoping there will be a streaming service of sorts for "renting" games a la Netflix, like Sony (and probably Microsoft and maybe Nintendo) can reach a deal with Gamefly that would let you rent and decide to keep PS4/3/2/1 games. Kind of a long shot, but I can see that happening.
"Open-World"?! Just give us a real Survival Horror game already! Now bare in mind that while I'm not dissing the concept of Open-World type games (I mean, games like inFAMOUS prove that it doesn't have to be a GTA clone), but I don't think it would fit well with Survival Horror.
Perhaps Capcom should take some hints provided by the people behind Amnesia/Penumbra if they want to do a proper reboot, but seeing their recent track record, it will most likely have a similar fate to DmC. : I
I'm assuming the $1/$1.50 charge is for the Miiverse? The 30 cent games no one can go wrong with though (but will this mean I get a further discount since I already owned Super Metroid on the Wii?) ;P
I don't really see why everyone's complaining; Wind Waker HD looks like an actual "remake" rather than a souped up port to fit HDTV standards (like most games, but games like Shadow and Okami prove that you can actually make use of the enhanced tech). Five bucks says that the new Zelda game is going to work like Dark Souls in some fashion where it's "multiplayer-in-disguise-of-single-player".
Can't wait to see the SMTxFire Emblem game as well.
Well, I would love Onimusha 1-3, and Viewtiful Joe to be re-released in HD with the same detail and care as Okami's HD port, which is one of THE best of its kind since the Ico and Shadow Collection. As for sequels, Power Stone would be fantastic. Reboot RE to it's beginnings (crate pushing and all, even), and... Well, as everyone here as stated, don't lock any content that should be in there in the first place, and make DLC as a supplement to the core game, not a necessity. *sends an extra copy of this comment to Santa Claus just to make sure*
To tell you the truth, the only Wii U feature that would be perfect for BL is if you had the inventory/skill tree system on the Gamepad. Anything else would be a wild card.
Capcom, Come talk to me when Universe or Legends 3 comes out, and stop releasing M-Rated reboots like they're going out of style because you wanna compete with Activision and Ubisoft. x_x
Funny he mentions it though, because Borderlands 2 actually would make a good Wii U port, since the screen would act as the inventory; no silly gimmicks to make people use the screen. Kinda like the Dreamcast version of Resident Evil 2 where the VMU showed your health.
midnightclubx's comments