I'd like to believe that the reason why they are saying the system's "main menu" is the killer app is because maybe it'll be like the Sega Master System where you play this awesome hidden game if you don't pop in any discs.... right? D:
They did the exact same strategy for the last system, but all of the "Chaos" went to the PS3, which came out about a couple days.
Now that Nintendo's the only company to be releasing a new console this holiday season, I really hope they remember what happened with the PS3 back in '06 (the riots/stabbings/guy running into a pole/etc.) and know that the consequences might be drastic if they really are trying to release it at that time frame again
Oh you rascal you, trying to stay relevant by saying a bunch of stupid and random stuff every two days just so your company's the hot topic all the time. That' s so darn cute. : 3
Why do I get this horrible feeling that this is gonna be like the Sega Saturn where they are gonna say, "We're actually releasing this as soon as this conference is overLOL." I just hope that they are gonna answer some questions that should have already been answered all the way back at E3. I also hope that them wanting to get rid of Nintendo Power is their lowest point; I REALLY don't want them to be another Capcom. -_-
I'm gonna buy this game TWICE; PS3, AND Steam versions; a lot cheaper than what I thought it was gonna cost ($15). Can not wait til September! Btw, any updates on Yappie Feet/Many Styles being added to the soundtrack yet?
I feel like I got ripped for getting the Kinect; there were only two games that made it worth owning, and both are on-rails shooting games (The Gunstringer and CoE); other than that, it seems like the only real use for it is for making it into a research module, or doing silly experiments that Microsoft doesn't want you to do with it, but let's you do it anyway. : I
It's good to know; only because this is the only "Modern" FF title I'm interested in. Let's just hope this isn't the new Duke Nukem Forever, know what I'm sayin'?
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