funny how you all thought the game would be fun when really spore sucked
mikerules999's forum posts
airships would be fine becuase they could be built from a new found dwemer design.. not planes but baloons or big flying animals.. but like i said only to big cities not settlements or caves and ruins. I dont know why the archane university wouldnt have any because they could use them to study the weather then advnaced mages could manipulate weather
i want all fallout games view to be like fallout 3 not some crappy overhead rpg.. only diablo really pulls that off. i want for new vegas to involve california and nevada and not the story from van buren because it sounded gay i want to have karma play more of a big part like joinging the enclave instead of fighting them or infiltrate the enclave.. enclave should be in every game as the mainvillains. Enclave should have cities by 2300 and on and slowing be re-establishing the united states. more interaction from china and maybe a dlc to go there to the capital and area. more story showing if it is absolutely true that mothership zeta caused the bombs to go off. 50s ****makes no sense to me because its past 2077 wtf? maybe i missed the part of the story that shows why, idk. Fallout 4 should contain Ronto, Chicago, and Denver. Ronto is advanced of course and wasnt really annexed by the U.S.. Its technology stayed for the survivors to use and advance.. likely to anm anclave like state. In the Great lakes area there is a lot that could happen. I want more story on FEV and what it can do.. after seeing harold and bob im certain it can turn forests into a walking hell.. id hate to be lost in Northern California and Oregon. Enclave should move to retake all of the U.S. including Hawaii and Alaska. Hawaii would be a good place for a secondary base where those heroes of the wastes cant find them. Enclave likely would have citizens and factories and big cities so you should be able to live in them. Betheseda seems to like making a city of millions into just 20 people like the imperial city, which should have over a million because of the empire's mass. more effort needs to be put into fallout so that they dont leave everyone to fix all the problems like the story and lvling system. more interactivity for settlements and cities(why when i give all my supplies and caps to settlements they dont grow stronger as a community? i want to have a much bigger impact on the wastes, strangling should be in the game, killing kids, realistic gore not heads blowing up form a pistol shot or a shot to the head and the arms and legs blow up too.. wtf?! See people working and making weapons and armor. vehicles like tanks, walkers, planes, new vertibirds, boats, subs. Fallout 3messed up D.C. badly, everythign is way too close to each other and doesnt match reality like the white house area being a hole then a bunch of seperate buildings wayyyy too close together and no ruined gardens. Fallout 3 completely missed out on the having a dlc for the commonwealth so likely we'l never go there unless in fallout 3 : (
i think the story is amzing and betheseda didnt ruin it but fallout 3s is wayy too short and boring even with the dlcs. like i said more variety in gameplay, better graphics, all glitches fixed ahead of time, better lvling, better and stronger weapons and enemies, no crappy ending. Cities should be cities not towns and places like dc would have taller buildings and ruins wouldnt end at arlington. im sure you all ahte the jump on a rock and fall in a hole that you cant escape form factor. i dont want that anymore. i hate getting stuck then having to load a previous save
good riddance. tohugh not like george lucas himself is not any better. he wont even finish star wars
umm. for those saying that this game looks so dull, boring, and too grey... ITS SUPPOSED TO BE!!!! If a world is destroyed by nuclear war then its not going to look like the gumdrop forest. The only damn palces that might have life that itsntmessed up is Vault City, Africa, D.C. after the clean water and Oasis story and Ronto. If you wnat to see a happy world then why the did you buy the game. You dont know what youre talking about. Fallout would be over if the world were bakc to lush green paradises. then the story would suck. I only want to start seeing that happen in like Fallout 10.. where it will be in virtual reality and we can go all across Earth. The aiming with the crosshair is fine, the weapons are fine, the way the weapons work needs fixing. the only way a person's head blows up is if an explosive goes off or a shotgun to the face. A sniper shot to the jugular could decapitate them. The weapons being better in mods is good. thats why you buy it on p.c. Fallout 3 needed alot of work yes and i hope the game is longer but if you guys think that oblvion was long then you mustbe high and 80 hours is actually pretty short for a game like this. morrowind is long. i want your choices to have an effect on the entire area not just you and a tiny settlement. people need to not tlak about the same tihng over and over. if GNR is in there i dont wnat the same annoying news and songs. The 50s ****makes no sense to me when the Great War happened on 2077 not 1950 so why isnt the technology like an advanced verison of ours today? makes no sense to me and the story would be a bit better if it were like 1950s culture advanced not kept the same music and same computers. im not saying i want hip hop because that wouldnt fit the environment. but yeqah hopefully lots of stuff is fixed on New Vegas and i really hope we go back the califonria to see los angelos, san fransisco, lost hills, arroyo, vault city, and vault 13
for greenery any geck aquired makes life out of nothingness and vault city has one, they also have clean water and lots of trees and plants.. also any enclave base will have them along with remnants of pre war animals like cows, chicken, ect.
What do you all want to see for Fallout:New Vegas and later Fallout 4? I want to have more things to do.
Examples of what I hope for in New Vegas:
Enclave City with lots of citizens and you can infiltrate it as part of the main quest.. which i mean become a citizen and there be lots to do and see. Enclave war factories where they make weapons, vertiberds, armor, missles, tanks, ships, and jets. Enlcave should be much stornger and give the brotherhood a real run for their money. the enclave should have heavy soldiers armed with plasma shields to stop enemy attacks. brotherhood of steel should reunite with the d.c. brotherhood. seeing as new vegas is close to california i want to go back to ncr and the brotherhood headquaters there. bos should have aquired new enclave technology from raidng the enclave encampments. super mutants should sometimes carry shields when having one handed weapons. when i stumble upon a settlement and my speech and barter are high enough i want to be able to ask to aid them in building their communities by investing with caps, giving supplies and protecting them then come bakc in a week and thye have more people, brahmin, supplies, wepons, barricades, buildings are bigger, and and build a monument to your glory for aiding them or sell them out to raiders, slavers, or super mutants by either telling them or leaving the settlements location in their camp. i want to see more modern rtechnology not computers from the 1950's but only in palces like vault city and new vegas and brothehood headquarters. new enclave president is a human, sarah lyons (or depending on the date of the game,a later member of lyons' pride) should get sent to the brotherhood hq to bring news of d.c. and the situation there. becuase of karma choose either to continue on your main questline and not care about the problems of the wastes(neutral), aid the BOS in destroying the enlcave in new vegas and ending the conflict as a seondary long quest but not the main story(good), or join the enclave and destroy the BOS HQ in nevada and in california(evil). Have a part of the story on a huge enclave island base off the californian coast where there is an hq, underground bunker, factories, city, prison, slave labor camps, port, giant artillery positions, missles silos, wild jungles, and all be home to non radioactive animals but descended form post war monsters. the island could possible be hawaii or some island they made using a GECK( maybe found it, had it all along, or stole it from vault city). enter an enclave warship, tank, airship, and new vertibirds. Story on the enclave hq should involve a nuke to destroy the BOS lost hills bunker any resistance of New Vegas crimelords or NCR.
Weapons: same as fallout 3 including double barrel shotgun, axe. pulse, laser, plasma, super mutant spiked sword, advanced tesla cannon, all wepaons have a relatively new look.
Armor and clothes: shields, standard BOS power armor, Mark III and Mark IV power armor for enclave while lots of BOS have their own advanced Mark II power armor with the same style helmet. enclave captain, enclave general, enclave engineer, enclave citizen uniform, unique high class npc clothign and armor. all previous armor should look different form fallout 3 unless it is old BOS or enclave armor. Ravager armor: new enclave heavy unit in a huge almost Frank Horrigan style armor, enclave super mutant slave armor... ect.
I can not think of what to make a quest of because im not familiar of what could happen.. maybe in Broken Steel but i havent finished it yet. I could think of more but im stuck. just as long as the story, graphics, and gameplay are good. hopefully they dont get rid of vats because id be ticked
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