uncharted 2, assassins creed 2, and modern warfare 2 all come at my birthday so im getting them for sure. i already preordered modwar2. cant wiat same with diablo 3, starcraft 2, rachet and clank future2, and godofwar3
mikerules999's forum posts
fps, tps, rpg, rts/strategy, city building- stuff like oblviion, fallout, diablo, caesar, call of duty 4 and 5, uncharted, assassins creed, prototype, infamous, rachet and clank stuff like that
when i played tools of destruction on the lombax hoemworld(cant remember the name) the game froze and wouldnt let me us crank to slow time so i never got to finish the game. my copy was **** up
I hate that **** bill gates and the developers at Bethseda for working with him. I want the Fallout 3 DLCs for PS3 to come out now! Im sick of waiting and theyve been ready to come out for how long if they decided to they could release them right now. But bill gates is having them hold back. that dirty **** Why would Bethseda( a developer that makes two of the best series or rpgs ever created) side with microsft when its obvious that the better descision would be to side with playstation who's ps3 doesnt **** break down all the time and isnt a piece of **** I want these DLCs out all at the same time because they are complete and have been for quite a while no waiting for 2weeks or a month in between. Yes i know many of you would say, "then just get ti on pc" but i cant put my grpahics on max on my pc and i dont care for the fallout 3 mods, oblviion was worth ti on pc. speaking of oblivion they didnt even release the DLCs for oblviion on ps3 like fighters stronghold, the vile, lair and horse armor. im sick of it and if they want me to continue playing any fallout title i want the DLCs.
So you guys tell me what you think of this situation and if you want this to change or if you even give a damn. Also ifany 360fanboys come and call the ps3 **** then i have this to say, "if you hate PS3 so much, then why are you on the PS3 section of the forumns. Just wondering"
P.S. we need a Viva La PlaystationTres Revolution!!!!
eve online is only like 15 dollars a month, just get it or instead u can always keep your job instead of getting one you have to pay for
summerset isle would be nice to see, morrowind would only be good if you as an expansion to find out where the dwemer went, skyrim would be sweet, hammerfell would be good but already been there in that pirate game, black marsh honestly has nothing there but ugly swamps id only want it if i could go to elsweyr and valenwood(which has very big trees). going back to cyrodill is likely because of the empire falling and it needing an emperor, skyrim i must say though would be awesome
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