@suppaphly42 Tidus was a bit iffy but at least he was vital to the plot. He wasn't a "typically cool" character but I did like him. Vaan was just.... there.
@suppaphly42 @mirage_so3 @ggregd The story never interested me and it had the worst main character. Vaan wasn't even necessary to the plot. They were just like "we MUST have an effeminate man as the main character"
@suppaphly42 @mirage_so3 @horizonwriter @Kevin-V I enjoyed it but I did not love it like I loved others. Controlling the sword is cool at first put they have such lame puzzles using the motion controls. Spin the eye around, spin the key to fit in the door, and I had the worst time learning how to roll bombs correctly.
@suppaphly42 @horizonwriter @Kevin-V Zelda is my favorite game and Tom gave Skyward Sword a 7. And I agreed with him on it. He dared to claim a Zelda game was flawed and everyone wanted to burn him at the stake.
@suppaphly42 @mirage_so3 @ggregd I would never play Final Fantasy 10 again if I had to figure out how to get the Celestial weapons by myself. How the hell am I supposed to know to take a sword from the calm lands to mushroom rock?
@suppaphly42 @mirage_so3 What people need to realize is that a game review is intended to help a person decide whether or not to buy a game. It's not meant to say "This game sucks you suck if you like it." If you like a game that's all that really matters.
@suppaphly42 Not a direct attack on anyone. Just a joke. Some people take reviews too seriously and freak out if their favorite game doesn't get a 10. It's okay to think it deserves better but to want to burn a man at the stake for giving a game an 8 is a bit much.
mirage_so3's comments