@suppaphly42 @mirage_so3 @ggregd Not everyone has the time to figure this stuff out though. A lot of people enjoy doing it themselves and the people who do won't use the FAQs. The people who just want to enjoy the game and don't have the time to figure everything out they'll use FAQs. Just takes self control.
@suppaphly42 It was a joke. A lot of people aren't happy when their favorite game doesn't get a 10. "The last of us deserves a 100 out of 10! Jackasses! Blah blah blah!"
@ggregd Too bad people will figure the game out then help other people who are stuck? If you don't want to know don't look. It's not like people writing FAQs ruins the game.
Dude nintendo, ditch the gimmicks and make some new games. I loved Wind Waker on the wii u. That had no motion controls and the gamepad was reduced to an inventory / map. And I was okay with that.
So, by haters do you mean people who dislike the game for genuine reasons? Why the hell does someone have to be classified a "hater" if they dislike a game series. I used to love this series but it slowly went downhill when they decided to pump out games annually. I believe the story quality deteriorated and the gameplay got old. So am I a hater?
mirage_so3's comments