This review confuses me. He didn't seem to mention any gameplay at all other than swimming around looking at things. Seems to me this is more or less just something pretty to look at.
Make something new will you? The only thing that keeps me around is Zelda. They keep delaying the new Zelda so it can release with the NX. It took the entire lifetime of their WII U to make this Zelda and I'm still not convinced it will even be released on the WII U. If they're just going to make the same games again and can't promise me a game I like before the lifespan of the console is up why should I buy it?
@Richardthe3rd: It's hardly to everyone's benefit. Computer's already exist. I for one don't want my console to be a PC. I don't want to have to have the latest upgrade of console. I don't want to have to tweak graphic settings just to make it run smooth. I want to be able to buy a game, put it in, and have it run like it's designed to.
"It's been almost 10 years since we've announced this game. We have put a whole lot of work into making this a fantastic game. Soooo... Here's a list of cut content we're going to sell you on day one."
This is Microsoft's attempt to turn consoles into PCs. "With Microsoft announcing that its new console Project Scorpio will be coming out next year" They're just going to keep releasing slightly upgraded versions of consoles like they do with PC. "Your xbox game will run better on this, more expensive, xbox. At least until we make the next one." Consoles are great because they're guaranteed to play whatever game you buy for it. But Microsoft is trying to make them more like PCs to reach the non PC gamers and essentially make them into PC gamers.
Wow. You people have issues. "He didn't play it the way I think he should! And now he's complaining they took away the thing that made it fun for him and a large majority of people! The bastard!"
It seems to me they saw that their only real success is with the ds so they tried to make a console version of it. And why cartridges? There was a reason they switched to CDs. The games will probably be cheap underpowered new versions of the same games they've done over and over. Imagine Super Mario 3d World as a portable game and there you go.
mirage_so3's comments