You know... If the cast weren't women nobody would give a shit if fans were saying it ruined their childhood movie or that the trailers are bad or that the actors were unfunny. Without the women cast it would just be a bad remake nobody wanted to see.
Who.... cares? Doesn't make much difference to the consumer really. They're always talking about how there's a bias against one game or they're paid to like another. Changes nothing really.
@Byshop: Yes and then there's the half-assed remake's that people hated. Such as the new Annie movie and the new Karate Kid movie. It is very easy for Hollywood to cash in on a popular name and story that they do not need to write. These movies are the problem. Why write something novel when you can easily resell an old movie?
@Byshop: Not really, I understand a lot of movies are based on stories already done. That doesn't change how many remakes and rehashes there are lately.
@Bread_or_Decide: As if I think it just recently started? No, this trend has progressively grown over the years and continues to worsen. If this movie is successful it just gives Hollywood a whole new reason to rehash old films. Hollywood will go for the easiest way to make money. It's called criticism, it didn't start now nor will it end now.
Really I'd say my biggest problem with this movie is I'm just sick of remakes and I'm afraid this will just open the door for more of this kind of thing. Please just make new movies already.
@Byshop: The reviewer clearly refereed to comparing it to the original, not liking the stars, and saying the trailer was bad as being an unimaginative schmuck. This movie has only gained so much attention because the stars were women. If they weren't women nobody would give a damn about fans not wanting to see it.
Personally no, I don't like the idea of gender swapping characters. I think women deserve better than that. I want new, imaginative, movies starring women. I want a movie staring women to be entertaining in it's own right without "borrowing" the popularity of a previous movie. I don't want to see a bunch of retreads of old popular movies with women placed in the leading roles. Star Wars did a much better job of shifting a woman into the lead role as well as having it's own new story to tell.
"But anyone who continues to stand against it on principle--'My childhood has been defiled! I don't like its stars! The trailer was bad!'--is an unimaginative schmuck."
God forbid anyone not like a trailer and not want to go see a movie. God forbid anyone compare this movie to the original and not want to see it. God forbid anyone not even like the actors and not want to see it.
mirage_so3's comments