I just envision them huddled together in the back room saying "Oh god oh god what are we going to do?! They hated the WII U and we got nothing for the NX! Just tell them we're working on something!"
I'm so tired of this argument appearing everywhere lately. If you want a strong female character, make one. Simple. Don't try to make other already established game/movie series put a woman in the lead role just to "be progressive." Make your own, good, female character that will show women can do anything men can. Heavenly sword is still my favorite PS3 game and it stared a woman. Nariko was the epitome of a strong woman.
@Mogan: This wasn't about a gender option though. It was about putting Zelda into the lead role. Link has always been a main character and that's what the majority of fans want. A separate game staring Zelda would be fine but don't just replace Link. A comparable situation is the Mega Man Zero franchise. Zero got his own series separate from X and did not replace X.
@Elranzer: And that's what we need, female characters that are great in their own way. I love GOOD characters. I don't like characters that steal the fame of characters that came before them. Such as the new ghost busters all female cast banking solely on the popularity of the original.
I'm tired of affirmative action. You want female leads? Fine. Make your own. Stop trying to steal the popularity of existing games/movies and forcing women into the lead role.
@cornbredx: Same reason they make a sequel to everything. Hollywood has no ideas left. As long as people pay to see the new independence day, the new star wars, the new live version of an animated Disney movie then they will keep making them.
mirage_so3's comments