@consolehaven: No, it would just change what they fight about. There's no way it would be a single service. It would turn into a Netflix vs Hulu kind of thing.
You know, we already had this "streaming service" once. It was called Sega Channel. But it still required a console. This reasoning makes no sense to me. Is the "monitor" separate from our tv? If it is, why? If they do stream games it still requires a medium and if that's not our tv it has to be a console or pc.
@breathnac: Zelda is my favorite game ever so I have the WII U for that. But I am not buying the NX. It took the whole life span of the WII U to make a Zelda game so I am not going to rush off and buy a new console just because. Is anyone a loyal Mario fan really? To me Mario is just something you buy when you're bored, not something you get real excited for.
mirage_so3's comments