@ltjohnnyrico: In this case it's being used as a commentary on the last Star Wars movie. It's a typical phrase used by fans when discussing tv shows or movies.
Problem with Netflix is they're flooding it with original content and removing anything else that was good. I don't use it nearly as often but 10 bucks a month isn't that much, 1 hour of work. Big deal.
Just sounds to me like they're making stuff up. As long as the new Zelda stays on Wii U I have no reason to buy this thing. It took the entire life of the Wii U to make one Zelda game when Zelda was all I wanted. I have no guarantee they'll make a new Zelda for the NX before it's life span is up so I'm going to pass.
Man people really get heated when you make any comment on their console of choice. All I said was this deal wasn't any better than the last one and people flipped their shit.
mirage_so3's comments