@Bezee4u: Okay... I never said Microsoft was desperate or it was a conspiracy. I said it was a marketing strategy to make it seem like you're getting something when you're actually not. Cutting the price by $50 you save $50 that you can do whatever you want with. Raising the price back up by $50 and giving the person a $50 gift card makes it seem like you're getting something when you're actually not.
They'll just keep selling "new and improved" models of the same system to the people who can't stand to have outdated hardware. They're taking advantage of the "60 fps and 1080p resolution or die" people.
I hope nobody buys into this scam. They raised the price by $50 again then give you a 50 gift certificate you must use in their store. They're effectively forcing you to spend the money, you would have saved from buying a cheaper xbox, at their store.
@soarlozer: I find it to be a stupid ass idea. Could set a precedent for a lot more "empowering" movies. Take a bunch of old movies people liked, switch the gender and boom: A movie that doesn't need an original idea, doesn't need name promotion since it's already famous, and it's seen as empowering for women. A good movie staring women is a hell of a lot different then a half assed movie banking on the popularity of the original and being seen as "empowering." It's kind of like "Black Annie," same story as the original but staring a little black girl to bank on the empowering thing. I don't give a shit what gender or ethnicity the actors are, a bad movie is just a bad movie.
Everyone should go see this movie and avoid the new movie. Maybe if they see the sales for the original are much higher than the sales for the gender swapped version they'll realize what a dumbass idea it was in the first place.
So is this going to become a thing now? PS4, PS4.5, XBOX ONE, XBOX ONE.5 PS5, PS5.5. Not even selling a new console just selling a "haha this one's better" console?
Nintendo has given me no reason to be excited for the NX. Hurray you pushed back the Zelda so it could be released at the same time as the NX! Still don't even have a goddamn name for the game yet, it's just "Zelda WII U." I highly doubt it will come out before the holiday season next year either.
mirage_so3's comments