@Keitha313: If you don't like the movie theater just don't go. You can wait till it comes out on dvd if you want to watch it at home. But there are people that enjoy going to the movie theater. You don't ask a girl you just met to come to your house and watch a movie, you ask them to go out to the movies.
Are people really so attached to their phones? I use mine to text message as well, but I can wait for a couple hours for my friends to send me stupid texts about nothing.
@brande77: As long as the new Zelda is still on the WII U I am not buying their next console. I'm tired of their business model, Mario is just plain old.
@Alurit: Well, a large criticism of video games lately is the inclusion of female characters or gender selection. A number of people were upset there was no female link in triforce heroes. In this game they allow for female or male characters but you are not allowed to chose which you want to be. In a sense it "mocks" the availability of choosing male or female.
I see no good reason for this. The option for male or female is put in there but restricted based on what they say you are. That kills the point of putting in the male or female option. Seems all it does is make you a huge target. But then again that may get the game attention even if it's bad attention.
mirage_so3's comments