For the DLC to create enthusiasm.... It used to be you sold people a game they wanted to play not DLC they wanted to buy. It's ridiculous to talk about DLC before a game is even released.
Way too much build up to a short fight that ended in a very stupid way. They also shoehorn wonder woman in there to make way for the justice league movie that's bound to happen.
@Kruiz_Bathory: I turned on Starcraft for the first time in awhile. First thing I see is a bunch of kids arguing about Trump. I'm sick of seeing it everywhere.
Are we just never going to have an original idea again? Just redo super hero movies again and again. Sequel after sequel. Revive old cartoons that today's children don't know of.
Mention frame rate and a console war starts. Imagine that. It's ridiculous how much people fight over it. Video games are just glorified toys. Not a way of life.
mirage_so3's comments