@jayz0ned: 13 was supposed to be this big expanded universe. 15 was originally supposed to be part of that universe which was why it used to be 13 versus. They planned out all those crappy games in advance. I disliked 13 mostly because they had every cliche character you could think of and their personalities never went beyond the cliche.
@josefo: FFX did have an ending, it was never meant to go farther than that. Fans of a game can be the worst enemy of the game itself. The fans wanted more so they gave them more.
@Oogazi: I don't follow that logic. "Can connect with anything" is a lot different then "will connect with anything." I don't connect with every video game character, but when I do it does in fact make the game more fun. If you don't care about the characters why play an rpg at all? The mechanics are all very similar at this point so most of it does come down to enjoying the story.
@anytyme23: Depends on if you like the Wii controls or not. I mostly wanted it because I didn't like the wii controls. Outside of that there isn't a whole lot different.
mirage_so3's comments